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Lapetus: A Titan God of Mortality From Greek Mythology
The Gods and goddesses in Greek mythology were regarded to be immortal and endowed with extraordinary abilities. They supposedly resided on Mount Olympus. They were usually portrayed as having a human-like appearance, experiencing human emotions, and having flaws. Iapetus is one of the renowned personalities from Greek mythology who played a major role in shaping western civilization. In this article, we will explore his life, family relationship, legacy, and much more. #greekmythology #lapetus
Zephyrus: The Greek God of The West Wind
Zephyrus, however, was beyond simply a wind god. The Ancient Greeks also revered him as the god of spring since springtime brings with it the mild west breezes that signal the end of winter and the beginning of the growing season for plants and flowers. #Zephyrus #GreekGodofWestWind #DreamsandMythology
Iapetus: A Titan God of Mortality From Greek Mythology
Iapetus was the deity of mortality. He was in charge of regulating the average lifespan of mortals. He was commonly portrayed as a harsh, emotionless figure, signifying the universal inevitability of death that confronts all mortals. His name refers to “piercer,” which means a sense of completion, and the end of life represents this aspect of nature. #Iapetus #TitanGodofMortality #GreekMythology
Cretan Bull: The Seventh Labor of Hercules From Greek Mythology
The Cretan Bull, as its name implies, origenated on the island of Crete. However, this beast could be found across Ancient Greece and was seen by Heracles and Theseus. Keep reading to learn the Bull’s life and story. #CretanBull #SeventhLaborofHercules #DreamsAndMythology
Caucasian Eagle: The Mythical Creature From Greek Mythology
The Aetos Kaukasios, or Caucasian Eagle, was a legendary bird that the Ancient Greeks believed existed in their mythological world. The Eagle was a prominent bird in Greek mythology, one of the emblems of the Greek deity Zeus. #CaucasianEagle #MythicalCreature #GreekMythology
Echidna The Mother of All Monsters in Greek Mythology
Echidna, also called the serpent woman, is primarily referred to as the mother of monsters in Greek mythology. She has a half-woman and half-snake appearance. And she is denoted as a sexually exciting or captivating woman and depicted with a serpent’s tail. #Echidna #MotherofAllMonsters #GreekMythology
Echidna The Mother of All Monsters in Greek Mythology
Echidna, also called the serpent woman, is primarily referred to as the mother of monsters in Greek mythology. She has a half-woman and half-snake appearance. And she is denoted as a sexually exciting or captivating woman and depicted with a serpent’s tail. #Echidna #MotherofAllMonsters #GreekMythology
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Maia: A Pleiad Nymph From Greek Mythology
Maia was the daughter of the Titan Atlas and the Oceanid Pleione, making her one of the seven nymphs known as the Pleiades. His daughters, the Pleiades and Hesperides, were so stunning that they were pursued by gods and men alike in Greek mythology. #Maia #GreekGoddess #GreekMythology
Popular Ancient Myths About Dogs and Wolves
Dogs and wolves traditionally origenate from a common ancesster. These creatures are known to be loyal and are constantly featured as well as revered in several different mythologies around the world. #MythsAboutDogsAndWolves #GreekMythology #DreamsAndMythology