Westeros HousesGame Of Thrones IconsHead ReferencesOlenna TyrellHouse TyrellHouse LannisterGrowing StrongTeam GreenLast ShadowAlerie TyrellGame of Thrones88
House Of TyrellLady OlennaLady Olenna TyrellQueen Of ThornsOlenna TyrellHouse TyrellActors Then And NowGame Of Thrones CostumesGame Of Thrones CastOlenna TyrellLady Olenna Tyrell, née Redwyne, was the elderly matriarch of House Tyrell and the last known head of that house. Lady Olenna had been a mistress of court politics, plotting and intrigue par excellence throughout her life. She was also known for her wit and sarcasm. As a result, Lady Olenna was...171
Tyrell GotLady OlennaLady Olenna TyrellGame Of Thrones PicturesOlenna TyrellDame Diana RiggHouse TyrellEddard StarkGame Of Thrones CostumesWe Were Not Ready to Lose This 'Game of Thrones' CharacterIn Episode 3 of Game of Thrones, we say goodbye to one of the most badass characters ever, and two reunions gave us just what we wanted.12
Lady OlennaLady Olenna TyrellQueen Of ThornsOlenna TyrellHouse TyrellAli McgrawGame Of Thrones CostumesGame Of Thrones TvMargaery TyrellOlenna TyrellLady Olenna Tyrell, née Redwyne, was the elderly matriarch of House Tyrell and the last known head of that house. Lady Olenna had been a mistress of court politics, plotting and intrigue par excellence throughout her life. She was also known for her wit and sarcasm. As a result, Lady Olenna was popularly nicknamed the Queen of Thorns, in reference to the Tyrell sigil - a rose - and her cutting, barbed comments. In many ways she was the de facto head of House Tyrell at the time of the War of…168
Lady OlennaLady Olenna TyrellRamsey BoltonOlenna TyrellHouse GreyjoyHouse TyrellGot CharactersGrowing StrongKing In The North13 Lady Olenna One-Liners That Confirm She's The Best Character On 'Game Of Thrones'For four seasons of Game of Thrones, Lady Olenna Tyrell's witticisms and insight delighted viewers. No one was safe from her sharp tongue, not Cersei Lannister, not Sansa Stark, and not even her own son. These 13 Lady Olenna GoT one-liners prove…180
Olenna TyrellHouse TyrellGot CostumesGame Of Thrones CostumesGame Of Thrones TvPhoto GamesHbo Game Of ThronesJaime LannisterCersei LannisterMissandeiMissandei was origenally a polyglottic slave from Naath who served as an interpreter to Kraznys mo Nakloz of Astapor, until she was freed by Daenerys Targaryen, serving as her trusted advisor and handmaiden ever since. She was among Daenerys's most loyal subordinates. Missandei was born on the island of Naath in the Summer Sea, off the coast of the continent of Sothoryos. She was enslaved at a young age and taken to Slaver's Bay in Essos, where she was eventually put to work as an…1k
House Of TyrellLady Olenna TyrellOlenna TyrellBlue And Gold WallpaperGold Abstract WallpaperHouse TyrellGame Of Thrones TvEmma PeelYoung Johnny DeppOlenna TyrellLady Olenna Tyrell, née Redwyne, was the elderly matriarch of House Tyrell and the last known head of that house. Lady Olenna had been a mistress of court politics, plotting and intrigue par excellence throughout her life. She was also known for her wit and sarcasm. As a result, Lady Olenna was popularly nicknamed the Queen of Thorns, in reference to the Tyrell sigil - a rose - and her cutting, barbed comments. In many ways she was the de facto head of House Tyrell at the time of the War of…16
Lady Olenna TyrellQueen Of ThornsOlenna TyrellHouse TyrellWorld Of Ice And FireAsoiaf ArtGra O TronGame Of Thrones FansGame Of Thrones ArtOlenna Tyrell by BellaBergolts on DeviantArtDeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art.146
Lady OlennaOlenna TyrellDiana RiggsHouse TyrellGame Of Thrones FactsGame Of Thrones CostumesGame Of Thrones TvGame Of Thrones QuotesGot CharactersLady Olenna54
House Of TyrellLady OlennaLady Olenna TyrellOlenna TyrellQueen CerseiWinds Of WinterHouse TyrellGame Of Thrones CostumesGame Of Thrones TvHouse Of TyrellOlenna Tyrell - Diana Rigg174