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إقرأ علي خليجيون 24 - هيئة الأفلام تنظم ورشة عمل مكثفة لتعليم فن كتابة السيناريو - أعلنت هيئة الفيلم عن تنظيم ورشة عمل مكثفة حضورية تمتد على مدى خمسة أيام متتالي - للمزيد اضغط 👈👈 https://www.khalijiuwn24.com/914096/
Last week, our PR Consultants Katie Hurley and Georgina Tierney had the opportunity to visit EHL Hospitality Business school in Lausanne, Switzerland. ✈️🇨🇭🎓 During their visit, they met with students and faculty, learnt about the history of the school, saw their new sustainable campus, and dined in 1893, one of their many on-site restaurants.🍴 They even got the full student experience by staying on-campus in their student accommodation! #ClientVisit #BusinessEducation #BlueSkyEducation
In an ideal, well organized business, people are self-motivated and winning. Subscribe here https://www.ideas-freeboss.com/event/online-webinar-effective-company-organization/ #stress #organization #management #marcdeturck
Read the article on Benchmarking Process Performance for CMA Part 1 -
Inteligência Artificial e Machine Learning
A Revolução da Inteligência Artificial A Inteligência Artificial (IA) deixou de ser apenas um conceito de filmes futuristas e se tornou uma parte essencial do nosso dia a dia. Desde assistentes virtuais como Siri e Alexa até complexos sistemas de análise de dados, a IA está em todo lugar, tornando nossas vidas mais fáceis e eficientes.
Aplicações Atuais da Realidade Aumentada
À medida que a Realidade Aumentada se infiltra em nossas vidas, suas aplicações se expandem, tocando praticamente todos os setores imagináveis. De transformar a sala de aula em um espaço de aprendizado dinâmico a revolucionar os cuidados com a saúde, a RA está aqui para mudar as regras do jogo.
Corporate Event Planning and Production in Dallas
Are you looking for Dallas conference planning companies to put together a perfect event. DFW event production will be able to provide you everything you need for your event planning.
CPI Global Summit, New York, USA
EuroFinance is the leading global provider of conferences, training and research on cash management, treasury and risk. Running more than 50 events worldwide, EuroFinance enables treasurers and CFOs to exchange innovative strategies, best practice and expert opinion. Our flagship International Cash and Treasury Management conference is the most senior treasury event in the world. The […] The post CPI Global Summit, New York, USA first appeared on Submit Events Online.
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