Company first project

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NFT App design
NFT App design on Behance
Never Ending Content: Digital Art by Ben Fearnley | Inspiration Grid
Never Ending Content: Digital Art by Ben Fearnley
The Traditional Customer Journey Funnel Doesn’t Work
This type of funnel treats the customer journey more like a machine moving cogs down a conveyor belt rather than honoring the modern approach to finding, researching and working with a business. It also lends itself to internal constraints, causing more departments to operate in silos and more communication breakdowns to occur. Ultimately, everyone’s experience — the customer’s and the employee’s — suffers.
Party Data and Looking for the Customer’s “Why”
One of the primary things organizations clarify is their why. This represents the company’s mission and the legacy it wants to leave in the market.
3D illustrations - Maria Garaeva
3D illustrations :: Behance