Canoe PlansWooden KayakCedar Strip CanoeCanoe AccessoriesWood CanoeCanoe BuildingWooden CanoeCanoe BoatClassic Wooden BoatsDouglas Fir and Mahogany Canoe (15' Hiawatha)inventingdreams's Project320
Repurposed BoatCanoe Paddle ArtCanadian CanoePaddle DecorCanoe PlansField Museum ChicagoPeabody MuseumCanoe PaddlesWood Canoewood paddles wood canoe1Hand made paddles listed for sale at
Canoe PlansWood KayakCedar Strip CanoeBending WoodSteam BendingWood CanoeCanoe BuildingWood Boat PlansWooden CanoeCedar Strip CanoeCedar Strip Canoe: The following is the quick and simple version of how I built my first cedar strip canoe. I'm in the process of building my second canoe right now and I've been posting detailed, short instructional videos for all the steps on my YouTube channel - ht…42
Canoe RestorationCanoe For SaleOld Town CanoeEastern White CedarCedar Strip CanoeWood CanoeCanoe BuildingWooden CanoeCanoe Fishing1926 Old Town Heavy Water canoes for saleVintage Canoeworks meticulously restores antique watercrafts (canoes and boats) for sale.164
Cedar Strip KayakCedar Strip CanoeWood CanoeBeaver TailsWooden PaddleCanoe PaddleMineral SpiritsCanoesPacking TapeHow to Make a Canoe PaddleI’ve built four cedar strip canoes and two cedar strip kayaks, but I purchased paddles to use with them. Here's how it worked when I set about building my own paddle.5
Canoe ColorsCanoe For SaleTrip Outfit SummerWood KayakCedar Strip CanoeCanoe AccessoriesWood CanoeCanoe BuildingTrip HacksPopular Custom Options - Northwoods Canoe Co.Additional Popular Options Keel ..........................$225 Outside Stems ......... $275 Floor Rack ............... $425 Half Ribs .................. $325 Trim Rails ................ $425 Two-tone Paint ........ $325 Hardwood Trim (Mahogany, Cherry, Walnut) ..... $350 For extended decks, coaming and all other custom options, please contact us for custom pricing.762
Native American CanoeIndian CanoeCanoe DesignWood CanoeCanoe BuildingWooden CanoeNative American ImagesRow BoatsNative American ArtifactsNative American Canoe163
Sign Of The BeaverLake LifestyleWood CanoeCanoe BuildingWooden CanoeCanoe BoatRow BoatsWood BoatsCanoe And KayakPenobscot Bark CanoeSeveral months ago I had the pleasure to paddle a birchbark canoe in Augusta, which I reported here. Aside from the fact that canoe had been built at the Penobscot Marine Museum, I didn't have much detail about it at the time. But now that I work at the museum and have had a chance to rummage around, and can provide a bit more info., plus photos. The boat, about 18' long, was built in 2006 under the direction of Aaron T. York. According to a press release from the museum, "York is a full…1.2k
Canoe PlansCedar Strip CanoeCanoe AccessoriesWood CanoeCanoe BuildingWood Boat PlansWooden CanoePlywood BoatCanoe CampingHow to Build a Canoe | Wooden Canoe PlansLearn how to build a canoe with these wooden canoe plans from WWGOA197
Wooden KayakCedar Strip CanoeWood CanoeCanoe BuildingWooden CanoeCanoe CampingOutrigger CanoeCanoe BoatClassic Wooden BoatsWooden KayakCanoes art...1.2k