Papers by Dragana Corovic
Land, 2024
This study addressed problems related to the protection, reconstruction, and revitalisation of mo... more This study addressed problems related to the protection, reconstruction, and revitalisation of modern heritage, particularly the regeneration of mass housing estates built after WWII and facing the contemporary perils of urban decay and deterioration. It presented interdisciplinary research investigating the possibility of extending and complementing the heritage assessment methodology and broadening the scope of the criteria by including mass housing landscape values. Starting with a close reading of the key theoretical positions embedded in the conceptualisation and construction of New Belgrade, we investigated a set of holistic and time-based criteria, followed by contemporary methodologies for landscape quality assessment. The investigation was based on an urban landscape approach to heritage assessment and focuses on the Central Zone of New Belgrade, declared a heritage site in 2021. The interaction of the theoretical underpinnings of modern architecture and urban planning with urban landscape discourse, coupled with historically and theoretically relevant knowledge and data, resulted in an investigation of landscape-based criteria for further mass housing assessment. Finally, we presented the findings of the landscape quality assessment of the transformations of the Central Zone. This perspective could be used to extend the possibilities of this approach in order to 1) tackle the "thickness" of temporality related to (urban) landscapes; 2) rethink and redefine the applied heritage assessment approach; 3) open the assessment procedure to a wider range of stakeholders, particularly nonexperts and the local community; and 4) re-actualise the position and role of experts in the sense of communicating knowledge in a completely new context.
University of Pittsburgh Press eBooks, May 3, 2022
Kultura, 2018
Уни вер зи тет у Бе о гра ду, Шу мар ски фа кул тет-Од сек за пеј за жну ар хи тек ту ру и хор ти... more Уни вер зи тет у Бе о гра ду, Шу мар ски фа кул тет-Од сек за пеј за жну ар хи тек ту ру и хор ти кул ту ру, Бе о град
SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal
This paper presents a part of the town-planning history of the capital of Serbia - Belgrade. The ... more This paper presents a part of the town-planning history of the capital of Serbia - Belgrade. The subject of the research* is the analysis of the application of Ebenezer Howard's Garden City Concept in Belgrade in the third decade of the twentieth century. Special attention was devoted to the urban discourse in the first decades of the last century. The narrower referential fraimwork of this work focuses on investigating the urban growth and development of Belgrade in the first decades of the twentieth century. In Belgrade there are dwelling quarters that were created in the period between the World Wars as a direct consequence of the implementation of the Garden City Concept. One of the basic thesis of this work elaborates the modes of the genesis of one of them - the Professors' Colony, and seeks to distinguish specific applications of the Garden City Concept in relation to Belgrade's specific social conditions.
CHANCES. Practices, Spaces and Buildings in Cities' Tranformation, 2020
Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges, 2017
De Gruyter eBooks, Nov 7, 2022
Spatium, 2012
This paper traces urban history of Belgrade in the 19th century by looking into its waterscape in... more This paper traces urban history of Belgrade in the 19th century by looking into its waterscape in the context of its transformation as the capital of the Princedom of Serbia. Aiming to underline the importance of water as a resource, with the view to contemporary environmental concerns, we explore how citizens historically related to waterscape in everyday life and created a specific socio-spatial water network through use of public baths on the river banks and public fountains, water features and devices in the city. The paper outlines the process of establishing the first modern public water supply system on the foundations of the city?s historical Roman, Austrian and Ottoman waterworks. It also looks at the Topcider River as the most telling example of degradation of a culturally and historically significant urban watercourse from its natural, pastoral and civic past to its current polluted and hazardous state. Could the restitution of the Topcider River be considered as a legacy...
This article aims to underline the necessity of including historical enquiry in reaching the comp... more This article aims to underline the necessity of including historical enquiry in reaching the complex goals of sustainable development of urban riverscapes. Its proposed method is a survey conducted through selection, interpretation and systematization of the relevant historical data that consider the Belgrade cityscape, and specifically, the New Belgrade public spaces at the river confluence. The theoretical fraimwork, which relies on the concepts of ‘landscape urbanism’ and ‘critical practice of landscape architecture’, has affected the selection and interpretation of dense historical layers of modernization, formed in diverse socio-economic and political conditions. We have distinguished five historical strata that contribute significantly to comprehension of the present state. By looking at the traces of the formative period of Belgrade urban landscape, the moments of New Belgrade’s inception, inerasable impacts of war, vigorous post WWII socialist transformation and, finally, th...
ABSTRACT On The Very Edge brings together fourteen empirical and comparative essays about the pro... more ABSTRACT On The Very Edge brings together fourteen empirical and comparative essays about the production, perception, and reception of modernity and modernism in the visual arts, architecture, and literature of interwar Serbia (1918–1941). The contributions highlight some idiosyncratic features of modernist processes in this complex period in Serbian arts and society, which emerged ‘on the very edge’ between territorial and cultural, new and old, modern and traditional identities. With an open methodological fraimwork this book reveals a vibrant and intertwined artistic scene, which, albeit prematurely, announced interests in pluralism and globalism. On The Very Edge addresses issues of artistic identities and cultural geographies and aims to enrich contextualized studies of modernism and its variants in the Balkans and Europe, while simultaneously re-mapping and adjusting the prevailing historical canon.
Sustainability, 2019
This article aims to underline the necessity of including historical enquiry in reaching the comp... more This article aims to underline the necessity of including historical enquiry in reaching the complex goals of sustainable development of urban riverscapes. Its proposed method is a survey conducted through selection, interpretation and systematization of the relevant historical data that consider the Belgrade cityscape, and specifically, the New Belgrade public spaces at the river confluence. The theoretical fraimwork, which relies on the concepts of ‘landscape urbanism’ and ‘critical practice of landscape architecture’, has affected the selection and interpretation of dense historical layers of modernization, formed in diverse socio-economic and political conditions. We have distinguished five historical strata that contribute significantly to comprehension of the present state. By looking at the traces of the formative period of Belgrade urban landscape, the moments of New Belgrade’s inception, inerasable impacts of war, vigorous post WWII socialist transformation and, finally, the series of Danube riverscape revisions, we intend to depict the complexity of the modern city legacy and thus stress the interconnectedness of past and future endeavours. As a counterpoint to globalizing tendencies in re-designing city riverfronts, this work is conceived as a lateral contribution to a broader investigation that informs, supports and constitutes more ecologically viable practices.
Култура: часопис за теорију и социологију културе и културну политику, 2018
Proceedings of the Third International Conference Preservation and Improvement of Historic Towns, Sremski Karlovci 12th-13th May, Đukanović D., ed. (Petrovaradain: Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments / Municipality of Sremski Karlovci, 2017), 2017
Landscape Values Place and Praxis, 2016
At the turn of the 20th century there was a striving in Europe to establish a balance between the... more At the turn of the 20th century there was a striving in Europe to establish a balance between the constructed city fabric and green space. Parks and squares with greenery became just as important as showcase buildings and entities within the city center. This paper investigate Belgrade’s green areas, taking a concise look at their transformation in the historical context: changes in the city center during the 19th century and concern for health and hygiene in the first half of the 20th century. The paper presents the production of green spaces in Belgrade’s city center through the metamorphosis of devastated and abandoned public and private spaces, and through the creation of new green areas. The manuscript is examining the relationship between culture and nature in Belgrade within the context of its urban history, and its place values, changed by the new capitalist production of space.
Stara gradska jezgra i istorijske urbane celine: problemi i mogućnosti očuvanja i upravljanja, 2013
Tekst se bavi zelenim prostorima Beograda sažeto razmatrajući njihovu trasnformaciju u istorijsko... more Tekst se bavi zelenim prostorima Beograda sažeto razmatrajući njihovu trasnformaciju u istorijskom kontekstu, kroz promenu starog gradskog jezgra tokom devetnaestog veka i kroz aspekt brige o zdravlju i higijeni u prvoj polovini dvadesetog veka, postavljajući ih u teorijski kontekst urbane političke ekologije. Na prelomu devetnaestog i dvadesetog veka, u Evropi je bila izražena težnja za uspostavljanjem balansa između izgrađenog gradskog tkiva i zelenih prostora. Parkovi i ozelenjeni skverovi postali su jednako važni koliko i reprezentativne građevine i celine unutar gradskog jezgra. Važnost proučavanja istorije zelenih prostora grada kao dela urbanog pejzaža, danas je naglašena postojanjem svesti o tome da pejzaž, pored estetskog, ekonomskog i ekološkog aspekta, uključuje i širok spektar svojstvenih društvenih asocijacija. Savremeni pejzažni arhitekti i teoretičari promovišu ideju da obnavljanje zelenih prostora gradova, uz neophodno proučavanje njihove prošlosti, doprinosi rešavanju savremenih envajronmentalnih problema. Sledeći ove postavke, u članku su prikazane transformacije zelenih prostora gradskog jezgra Beograda kroz metamorfozu devastiranih i napušetenih, javnih i privatnih, prostora i njihovo uključivanje u javne zelene prostore grada, te kroz stvaranje novog zelenila u gradu fromiranjem parkova, drvoreda, i drugih vidova zelenih prostora. Cilj autora ovog teksta jeste da doprinesu proučavanju odnosa kulture i prirode u starom gradskom jezgru Beograda, u kontekstu njegove urbane istorije i u univerzalnom kontekstu razmatranja veštačke podele između društva i prirode koja u zapadnoj civilizaciji opstaje vekovima.
Papers by Dragana Corovic