animals and habitats

73 Pins
Build a Bird Nest - Mama's Happy Hive
Children love sensory play! This is an easy build a bird nest activity your child will love! -
Build a Backyard Bug Hotel…
Build a Backyard Bug Hotel...A simple and engaging outdoor activity for kids of ALL ages! via
How to Make a Roly Poly Habitat with Kids
How to Make a Roly Poly Habitat with Kids-Includes free printable planning and observation sheet. This would be a great spring science activity for elementary kids learning about decomposers or isopods
oviparous animals
Oviparous Animals Poem - Great lesson idea on this website that includes a mentor text, writing prompt, and craftivity.
A nest building #learninginvitation with cinnamon playdough, natural materials, yarn, and little eggs and chicks to extend our bird inquiry.