These chaquira bracelets are meticulously crafted by highly skilled Artisans in renowned art regions, ensuring that each piece is authentic and unique, with its own exclusive story to tell. The bracelets are stretchable.
24 Chinese solar terms empowerment bracelet MINOR HEAT green, beige and red handmade braided bracelet for authenticity
Minor Heat (Xiaoshu) graces us around July 7th, a gentle simmer after the fervent blaze of Major Heat. The sun's embrace, while still warm, softens its intensity, allowing for a moment of respite and reflection. In this subtle shift, we are reminded of the importance of staying true to ourselves, of embracing our authentic selves. Xiaoshu is a time for introspection, for peeling back the layers and revealing our genuine essence. It's a season to shed societal expectations and embrace our…