The SAS Field Campaign took place between 6/1 - 7/15/2013 and was focused over the Southeast United States. The Southeast Atmosphere Study was actually a collaboration between three projects: The Nitrogen, Oxidants, Mercury and Aerosol Distributions, Sources and Sinks (NOMADSS) project, the Southern Oxidant & Aerosol Study (SOAS), and the TROPospheric HONO (TROPHONO) project. The NOAA Southeast Nexus (SENEX) project also operated collaboratively with SAS.
For a summary of these operations and related products, please click on the "Missions" link above.
To replay previous cases via the Field Catalog GIS tool, click on Catalog Maps.
For a list of reports related to project operations, click on the "Reports" link above.
Datasets for this project can be found in the SAS Data Archive at EOL. You can also get there via the "Data Access" link above. SOAS and SENEX data are archived seperately at NOAA.
For other data management related questions, please see the SAS Data Management Pages at EOL.