Early years docs

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Home Page - The Crafty Classroom
To be intentional, is to act purposefully, with a goal in mind and a plan for accomplishing it. Free Homeschool Memes from The Crafty Classroom
Home :: All EYLF Resources :: Science Week 2018 - An EYLF Resource
All EYLF Resources :: Science Week 2018 - An EYLF Resource
Home :: All EYLF Resources :: Learning Through Play Poster Set
Home :: Posters / Signs :: Types of Play EYLF Resource
Professional Development In-Program Sessions - Teaching Strategies
This is a good graphic that can be used by both teachers and professionals. It outlines the main developmental milestones that children who are typically developing go through so they can screen for red flags.
The Three Elements of the Documentation Process – Moving beyond Display to Interpretation
Amazing Post-A Must Read! The Three Elements of the Documentation Process– Moving beyond Display to Interpretation
How I Plan and Implement Project/Inquiry Based Learning In My Class
Inquiring Minds: Mrs. Myers' Kindergarten: How I Plan and Implement Project/Inquiry Based Learning In My Class
Our story of transformation continues...
Educator Space: The educators' space has many clipboards, which include (but are not limited to) our long-range plans, day plans, schedule, week-at-a-glance instruction and learning areas, documentation templates, mini lesson planning sheets, and inquiry planning templates.
good teacher
Had this above my desk...a student read it and told me I was a great teacher...kept me going a few more years!