Ho'oponopono Quotes

Taking one hundred percent responsibility is the shortest way. When we realize that it is only “our programs” that do not allow us to see things clearly, when we stop blaming outside factors and we decide to take responsibility, only then will heaven’s doors open up for us and we can reach a state of infinite possibilities. Mabel Katz
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How do we LET GO? We have many different tools to let go, but no matter which one we use, essentially what we are doing is taking 100% responsibility and saying, “I am sorry; please forgive me, for whatever is in me that has created this.” When we decide to take 100% responsibility and clean, Mana or Divine Energy immediately comes down and erases memories.
Let go and let God. God is only waiting for you to give Him permission to take care of your problems. When something comes up, you always have the chance to let go instead of getting upset or being afraid. When we say #thankyou or I love you to the situation or fear, we feel lighter and better. It’s like flying with the angels and suddenly we notice things are not as bad as we thought they were. www.MabelKatz.com
Addictions might take a little bit longer to let go of than other things. Please don’t think your addictions are “bad.” Remember, what you resist persists. Try to love and accept your addiction. Show it the other cheek, the cheek of love. Say, “I love you” to the cigarette, to alcohol, to relationships, to your intellect that thinks it knows… LOVE can heal anything. The only way to let difficult things go is to love them. www.MabelKatz.com
Let me be the first to tell you if you don't already know: You are okay just the way you are. What other people think of you is not important; what's important is what you think of yourself. You need to learn to put yourself first. The truth is, if something doesn't work for you, it will not be good for anybody. Loving and accepting yourself has nothing to do with ego. If you do not love yourself, you cannot love anybody else. You cheat them—and yourself. www.MabelKatz.com
When you start Letting Go and Trusting, you will discover that you are a chosen one. You are unique.What happens is you start seeing God’s work when you let go. You will be amazed because you will start receiving so much more than you ever imagined, and it will come from places you never dreamt of. You will be astonished by how much God loves you and wants you to be happy. www.MabelKatz.com
The Light and Love (God) is above the clouds forever shining just for you. Problems are just like the clouds. No matter what is going on, if you always concentrate on the sun, you will find that you can walk on the clouds. If instead you concentrate on the clouds, you will sink within the clouds. Always reach beyond the clouds towards the light from above that is always shining and waiting for you. www.Mabelkatz.com
The only way to clean our memories is to acknowledge that we have them, even if we don’t know or understand what they are, and surrender them to the Source by giving the Universe permission to erase those that no longer serve us. See, the Universe is always waiting for us to take that first step. If you are willing to start TRUSTING, Miracles will happen. www.MabelKatz.com
Let's live and celebrate each moment of our life. The past is history, the future does not exist, and the present is just that, a GIFT . Every "thank you" is paying off debt, a step closer to who we really are, and produces profound results. It works like the domino effect. www.MabelKatz.com
Say “I love you” to food and #water and allow God to nourish and #cleanse you physically and emotionally. Water is especially important in your #life and you should drink a lot of it every day. Say, “I love you” as you drink the water, so it will become clean. Say “I love you” to the water before cleaning your vegetables and your fruits, and all your food every time before eating. Say “I love you” to your food and that way you will allow #God to provide exactly what you need. www.MabelKatz.com
Know that responsability and guilt are not synonymous. I´m not saying we are guilty. We are responsible. Of the programs, the movies that are inside of me and they are showing in the SCREEN of my life. So, 100% responsability, will set you free because now you created it, you attracted it , is something inside of you and know you can change it. And the beautiful thing is that when you change it inside of you , it changes for everybody. www.MabelKatz.com
Dogs know who they are. Just as in nature, animals remain pure of heart. They don’t have judgments and opinions. Man’s best friend sees and hears things that many times we cannot. They can see angels and they can dance with the fairies. www.MabelKatz.com
As U start cleaning and letting go of everything that is not U , you will be able to appreciate life in a different way. U will find yourself becoming more observant and present. Suddenly you will notice the trees, the falling leaves, and the ocean in ways you have never seen them before.
Time is very important, much more than money. Depending on how we invest our time, we will or will not attract money. When we complain and blame, we do not invest our time well. Doing the cleaning is investing our time. It is being proactive, even though our intellect may tell us that it is not. When we clean, money and everything we need comes to us effortlessly.
In order to see results, you need to let go 100% and TRUST. You also have to ACCEPT that God knows best what is right and perfect for you. Since you don’t know what that is, your job is to let go and let God and be open to the opportunities that will come your way. Every time we do our part, give permission (letting go), God does His part (transmutation). Because our intellects cannot see it or feel it, we say this doesn’t work! Well, we have a lot to clean, so keep cleaning and start trusting.
Gratitude is a very powerful tool. When we feel depressed or sorrowful, the best thing to do is to think about all the good things in our lives we can be grateful for. By doing that, we will change our energy very quickly. We elevate ourselves and we are higher than our problems. Sometimes we don’t realize everything that we have because we concentrate instead on what we “think” is missing. In truth we already have everything, including love.