Uh huh

Whats Really Normal?- Constant Supply, The Narcissists Wife
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42 Depressing Quotes and Sayings about Life and Love
This was the first picture I saw today - incidentally, today I found out he cheated on me. Coincidence....
Yes and some continue to lie and repeat the pattern with everyone woman.
Just remember....this has been going on for almost 2 years! It's not just a mistake or fling
Motivation Monday Quotes - Honesty, Truth and Love
Katty, I tried to tell you but it wasn't worth trying to tell you the truth and since you'll believe no matter what, why should you hear the truth? I told you, but he told you that too didn't he...
A cheater. - Lessons Learned in Life
That's why he wouldn't stop. Poor wifey. Tsk tsk can't leave her cheating husband cos of money.. Cant support herself , she's lazy and freakin dependent thats why.
Redirect Notice
you knew exactly what you were doing....just thought you'd never get caught. That's why he still lies