Kriya Yoga Asana Program

Asana means posture. Asana is a system of exercise which uses the geometry of our physical bodies to lengthen and strengthen muscles which brings the bones into a position of internal support. The exercises have procedure and intention. However, the physical postures are a module that fits into this master plan leading to Total Consciousness.
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Moon in Sagittarius brings Prana into the lymphatic system.
Kriya Yoga Asana Class Explained
Kriya Yoga Asana Class is a module fitting into the master plan of attuning the mind body complex to the Divine Idea. Leading the practitioner to the experience of Total Consciousness. A system of exercises designed to use the physical appearance to determine individual level of consciousness and degree of awareness.
Kriya Yoga Center - Take a live Powhow class. All you need is wifi and a webcam.
Join us this Thanksgiving at 9:00 am EST - Live Online Class Schedule - Kriya Yoga Center
Kriya Yoga Asana Class
Happy Memorial Day 5/26/14! If you are looking for a way to commemorate our brave; then, come to Lisa's Kriya Yoga Asana class tonight in Hampton or live on line at 6:30 PM and get some real "Warrior" medicine from a true martial artist.
Kriya Yoga Asana Class Warriors and Triangles
Kriya Yoga Asana Class Warriors and Triangles
Hampton Ashram is a place for training and learning the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga.