Hard Copy Template-String Art Template- Paw Print - Mailed Cut Out This will change your life.
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**STRING ART TEMPLATES THAT ARE HASSLE FREE THEY WILL SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY! GAME CHANGER WHAT WILL I GET? -This is a string art template. -You will receive a template cut out of card stock. Depending on the size of the template, it may be cut in half and taped together. This will allow the template to fold on a specific crease, and open back up easily. This will not effect the integrity of the template at all. -There are holes cut out where the nails will go. This allows for you to place nails quickly without having to think about spacing. It is done for you! Woohoo -When you take your template off, you will not spend unwanted time picking out pieces of paper from under a nail! LIFE SAVER DESCRIPTION: This image is meant to be on a 12" x 12" sized wooden board. If you need a differen