Self Love Quotes & Articles

Discover the best and greatest ideas about self love and self care. Discover how you can love yourself better, harder and longer - because you deserve it. You deserve the same love you give everyone else sweetheart, and it's time to start giving yourself that.
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When you love yourself, your life becomes amazing.
Love yourself and you will immediately find the courage to love others.
Affirm: I am a magnet to pure love and all things beautiful.
When something is right for you, something inside you knows.
Trust your intuition. It knows things your mind does not.
Take care of yourself
Take care of yourself: call your family smile at a stranger write to a friend appreciate little things eat good good stay safe love lots
Affirm: I am happy with where I am in this very moment.
Mindset: My heart is pure and will always remain so.
When you stop comparing, you find yourself.
You are amazing. So accept yourself for who you are today.
You're more magnetic when you're detached.