Using Badges for Assignments

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Community Coach

I have been looking at options for awarding badges to students. Everything I find that talks about badges implies that badges can be set up to be awarded for completing modules, but I cannot find anything that indicates badges can be awarded for completing assignments. Has anyone implemented badges in this way (or can it be done)? The curriculum I am using (comes from outside Canvas) has badges for each assignment, but it does not actually award badges. It just shows a video saying you have been given a badge. I would like to try actually implementing them.

I'm not sure if it varies from user to user or is a Canvas integration, but it says Badgr when I go to the Badges option in the menu. I have read that Open Badges can also be used. I'm open to options other than the default Badgr.

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1 Solution
Panda Pros
Panda Pros

Hello @JeffCampbell !  As someone who trains others on how Badges works, it is recommended that Canvas Badges not be used with Middle School students.  This is because Canvas Badges are Open Digital Badges that are a specialized badge with verifiable data.  They are also meant to be shared in other platforms like LinkedIn.  

With what you are hoping for, I'd like to make this suggestion.  Make a page at the end of your module.  Add the video there and a link to the image for the students to see and/or download.  If you use requirements in your modules (How do I add requirements to a module?), then the students can't access the video or image until after they've passed the assessment.

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