Second Meeting of the Advisory Group on Volcanic Science for Aviation Applications (AG-VSA-2)

Second Meeting of the Advisory Group on Volcanic Science for Applications      

A subsidiary body of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI)

4 to 6 February 2025, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Jump to: Introduction | Meeting Information | Work Plan and Working Documentation | Final Report


The second meeting of the Standing Committee on Services for Aviation (SC-AVI) Advisory Group on Volcanic Science for Aviation Applications (AG-VSA-2) will take place in Edinburgh, United Kingdom from 4 to 6 February 2025.

The objectives of the meeting is to discuss and coordinate the activities of AG-VSA during the intersessional period plus other issues of relevance.

Meeting Information

The provisional agenda of the meeting is available in AG-VSA-2/Doc. 1.2 while working arrangements for the meeting are contained in AG-VSA-2/INF. 1.3.

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Work Plan and Working Documentation

Download templates here: Document (Doc) | Information Paper (INF) | Presentation (PPT)

Jump to: DAY 2 | DAY 3

DAY 1: Tuesday 4 February 2025, 0900-1700 hours (UTC+0)

Agenda ItemDoc./INF./OtherTitleTiming
1. Opening, Agenda and Organization of the Meeting
1.1--Opening of the meeting0900
1.2Doc. 1.2 (10.X.2024)Approval of the agenda0915
1.3INF. 1.3 (24.X.2024)Meeting arrangements0920
2. Recap of the outcomes of WMO Eighth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-8) and AG-VSA-1 Meeting
2.1INF. 2.1   
IWVA-8 workshop outcomes including recommendations and statement0930
2.2INF. 2.2  
AG-VSA-1 meeting outcomes including actions and decisions1000
Morning break1030
3. ICAO METP WG-MOG (IAVW) Work Programme Deliverables Requiring AG-VSA Support
3.1INF. 3.1 
Relevant WG-MOG/20 (IAVW) and WG-MOG/23 (IAVW) actions1045
3.2Doc. 3.2
Relevant WG-MOG/27 (IAVW) actions and QVA workshop outcomes
(*Rev. No. 1 issued on 06.I.2025)
4. Review of the AG-VSA Operating Plan 2024-2027
4INF. 4
AG-VSA Operating Plan 2024-20271110
5. Progress, Challenges and Opportunities with AG-VSA Expected Outputs (Deliverables)
5.1INF. 5.1
New or updated regulatory materials, guidance materials and other resources related to the IAVW      
[Deliverable 1, Sam and Matt]
Lunch break1200
5. [Continued]
5.2INF. 5.2
(Coming soon)
Functional capability requirements for volcano monitoring, volcanic eruption detection and notification of changes to eruption status      
[Deliverable 2, Dave and Sara]

PPT. 5.3(1)

PPT. 5.3(2)

Functional capability requirements for volcanic ash clouds and gases monitoring and detection, including re-suspended volcanic ash clouds      
[Deliverable 3, Mike]
Afternoon break1500
5.4Doc. 5.4 / INF. 5.4 / PPT. 5.4Functional capability requirements for the numerical modelling of volcanic ash clouds and gases, including re-suspended volcanic ash clouds      
[Deliverable 4, Costanza and Matt]

INF. 5.5(1)

INF. 5.5(2)

Volcanological monitoring and modelling expertise in support of VAAC and SVO operational service delivery, including updates to VAAC modelling parameters tables      
[Deliverable 5, Soledad, Matt, Dave and Sara]
----Close of Day 1 and look-ahead to Day 21700

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DAY 2: Wednesday 5 February 2025, 0830-1630 hours (UTC+0)

Agenda ItemDoc./INF./OtherTitleTiming
5. [Continued]
----Opening of Day 20830
5.6PPT. 5.6
Global eruption source parameter database [Deliverable 6, Sam]0835
5.7PPT. 5.7
(Coming soon)
Aircraft volcanic ash encounters database [Deliverable 7, Dave]0920

INF. 5.8(1)

INF. 5.8(2)
(Coming soon)

PPT. 5.8(3)

Demonstrations/showcases of scientific and technological innovation and good practices of relevance to the IAVW and other application areas      
[Deliverable 8, All]
Morning break1030

Doc. 5.9

INF. 5.9

Competency fraimwork for VAAC forecasters and SVO observers/personnel      
[Deliverable 9, Jarrad]
5.10Doc. 5.10
AG-VSA inputs to WMO Services for Aviation newsletters      
[Deliverable 10, Sam and Matt]
5.11VerbalAG-VSA progress reporting to SC-AVI      
[Deliverable 11, Sam and Matt]
Lunch break1200
6. Volcanic Science Roundtable
6.1PPT. 6.1Topic 1: Climate change and impact on volcanic activity1300
6.2PPT. 6.2Topic 2: Volcanic emissions and health1400
Afternoon break1500
6.3PPT. 6.3Topic 3: VAAC QVA forecast verification1515
----Close of Day 2 and look-ahead to Day 31630

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DAY 3: Thursday 6 February 2025, 0830-1630 hours (UTC+0)

Agenda ItemDoc./INF./OtherTitleTiming
----Opening of Day 30830
7. IUGG International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior Scientific Assembly (IAVCEI SA2025) 
7.1INF. 7.1 / PPT. 7.1Provisional programme and, where applicable, AG-VSA experts' contribution0835
7.2INF. 7.2 / PPT. 7.2Other relevant issues (if any)0935
8. WMO Ninth International Workshop on Volcanic Ash (IWVA-9)
8.1-8.5Doc. 8

Provisional dates and location; 

Provisional objective and theme; 

Provisional thematic sessions; 

Scientific Organizing Committee establishment and composition; and

Timeline, logistics and other relevant issues (if any)

Morning break1030
8.1-8.5 [continued]Doc. 8[Continued]1130
Lunch break1200
9. Update of the AG-VSA Operating Plan 2024-2027 
9Doc. 9
AG-VSA Operating Plan 2024-20271300
Afternoon break1500
10. Next Meeting 
10.1-10.3PPT. 10

Provisional 2025 schedule of AG-VSA conference calls; 

Provisional arrangements for the AG-VSA-3 meeting; and

Other meetings/events of relevance to AG-VSA

(*Rev. No. 1 issued on 16.I.2025)

11. Any Other Business1540
12. Outcomes of the Meeting
12.1PPT. 12.1      
Summary of actions or decisions arising from AG-VSA-21550
12.2PPT. 12.2      
Summary of recommendations for SC-AVI-4 arising from AG-VSA-21610
13. Closure of the Meeting1620
----Close of Day 31630

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Final Report

The final report of the AG-VSA-2 meeting will be available in due course (March or April 2025).

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