NOAA's 30th Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop will be held from October 24-28, 2005 at State College, Pennsylvania.
Lodging, Registration and other local information may be obtained at:
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Pictures (Photo's by Ed O'Lenic) As always, the Workshop will also provide an opportunity for participants to exchange information, ideas, and opinions. This year�s Workshop will focus on the following topics:
The Workshop is co-hosted by the Climate Prediction Center of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/NOAA, Camp Springs, MD, and the Department of Meteorology of the Pennsylvania State University. The American Meteorological Society is a cooperating sponsor.
- a review and assessment of recent climate
- observed and predicted climate variability in Alaska and adjacent regions
- regional hydrologic variability and North American applications
- results from the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) field campaign and NAME modeling studies
- theoretical and practical predictability of the land, ocean and atmosphere
- long-term climate variability
- the impact of a changing climate on prediction
In addition, on 24-25 October the Workshop will feature several sessions summarizing activities of interest to the NOAA Climate Test Bed, including climate model assessments, multi-model ensembles and climate products and applications.
The Workshop will feature oral sessions consisting of selected presentations with ample time for discussion; the majority of presentations will be posters.
Please send your abstracts to by the deadline *JULY 8, 2005*.