Indian History

34 Pins
Kabutar-Baazi - Some unbelievable & interesting stories about this pigeon sport of Old Delhi, India
Kabutarbazi was one of the popular folk sport of North India and Pakistan, which is not so popular these days. But on visiting Old Delhi streets, one can see such things preserved very well.In these colorful streets of Old Delhi, we can still find folks with skills of controlling flocks of pigeons; making them to fly up and land back with just a few verbal commands. The level of skill determines the status you earn in this sport and while it is challenging but possible to become an 'Ustad' o...
The Moghul Emperor and his Retinue returning from the Jami Masjid in Delhi
Edwin Lord Weeks (American, 1849-1903)
Kailash Temple, Ellora Caves, India.
Experts believe this temple - carved from a single rock from top to bottom - to be 10,000 + years old ( no snagging required 👌)
Akbar's Tomb, Agra, India . Location : Sikandara, Agra, Uttar pradesh, India . Pc: @gunjguglani . Follow @spstourstravel for more !! . . Like Comment Share . @spstourstravel @spstourstravel @spstourstravel 👉sps tempo traveller on rent 👉sps tempo traveller on rent 👉sps tempo traveller on rent #spstourstravel #tombofakbarthegreat #agra #uttarpradesh #india #uptourism #upnahidekhatohindianahidekha #uttarpradeshtourism #mughalarchitecture #mughalart #architectureporn #architecturedaily #archi