11" Rock Bowl, Fruit Bowl, Stones, Michigan made, Kitchen Platter, One of a kind, Rock Decor, Pure Michigan, Rocks, K… | Rock decor, Petoskey stone, Beautiful bowls
11" Rock Bowl, Fruit Bowl, Stones, Michigan made, Kitchen Platter, One of a kind, Rock Decor, Pure Michigan, Rocks, Kitchen Decor, Bowls
Product Details
This One-of-a-kind, handmade Pure Michigan Accent/Fruit Bowl is made from rocks expertly curated from the beautiful beaches of Lake Huron. This beautiful bowl includes Michigan's Fossils, a Puddingstone along with a variety of colorful beach beauties found along the shores of the mitten state. Bowl measures approximately11- 12" and is approximately 3.5"h. We also make Globe Lights & Platters with either all Petoskey stones, Fossils and/or Puddingstones - or a mixture of all three.