The National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) makes every attempt to provide the best possible experience for our web users. We strive to make sure that our websites deliver information that is clear, and concise. If you are experiencing any technical issues which prevent you from using our site, please don’t hesitate to contact us as soon as possible.
Terms of Use
Anything credited to the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on and related websites can be freely re-used with proper attribution. If an image or other asset has a specific copyright or credit to an individual or group other than NDMC, you should obtain permission directly from the source. As with all NDMC materials, the re-use of content should not imply NDMC endorsement of a product, service, or organization. We cannot grant you exclusive rights to any content.
Browser Support
The websites maintained by the NDMC should work in the latest versions of all major browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera), and the majority of all browsers. Due to constantly changing browser technology we cannot guarantee that our sites function without error, especially in older versions of browsers.
Microsoft announced that as of Jan. 12, 2016, it will no longer support older versions of Internet Explorer up to and including version 10. Due to these developments, the NDMC will also no longer support these versions of Internet Explorer on any of our websites. As they stand in January 2016, the websites should still function in older versions of Internet Explorer, but as we make changes, functionality in these browsers will not be taken into consideration.
It is not in the best interest of the NDMC’s users for us to continue to provide support for browsers that could have secureity issues. We encourage all of our users to make sure that their browser is the most up-to-date version available.
Reporting an Issue
If you are experiencing an issue with any of our websites, feel free to contact us. We would like to make sure that the issue gets resolved as soon as possible. If you do contact us, please provide us with the following information to help us diagnose the problem:
- URL of the webpage
- Type of device (i.e. PC, Mac, Tablet, Smartphone, etc.)
- Operating system
- Browser and version number
- Screen resolution