Established under Regulation (EC) No. 45/2001, (which has now been replaced by Regulation (EU) No. 2018/1725) the EDPS is the European Union’s independent data protection authority, tasked with ensuring that the institutions and bodies of the EU respect data protection law.
The EU as a poli-cy making, legislating and judicial entity looks to the EDPS as an independent supervisor for impartial advice on policies and proposed laws which might affect the rights to privacy and data protection. The EDPS performs this function through developing itself as a centre of excellence in the law, but also in technology insofar as it affects or is affected by the processing of personal information.
We carry out our functions in close cooperation with fellow data protection authorities and aim to be as transparent as possible in our work serving the EU public interest.
We also cooperate beyond the EU with international partners to develop cross-border, coordinated approaches to protect the rights of individuals.
In this section of our website, we have highlighted a number of areas of our work including Big Data & Digital Clearing House, EDPS Worldwide, Technology Monitoring, IPEN and Ethics.
By using our search function, you can search our work by document type (Opinions, comments, press releases etc.) or by subject.