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Vendors of Beneficial Organisms in North America | Entomology

Vendors of Beneficial Organisms in North America

Vendors of Beneficial Organisms in North America

ENTFACT-125: Vendors of Beneficial Organisms in North America  |  Download PDF

by Jen White and Doug Johnson, Extension Entomologist
University of Kentucky College of Agriculture

This publication is an update of Entfact-125, completely updating the list of vendors, their contact information, and the beneficial organisms they provide.  The authors would like to thank Mr. Larry G. Bezark and the California Biological Control Services Program for graciously providing some of the information included in this publication. 

Inclusion in this publication does not imply any endorsement nor does exclusion imply any criticism of suppliers or their products. Microbial, or single‑celled, organisms (BeBp, CGB, FBt, GPBb, LBt, ONl) are considered pesticides under current government regulations. Before using these biologicals, consult your county Extension agent for information concerning legal use. 


Current attitudes in the United States concerning food safety and environmental quality have raised the general public's interest in alternative (non‑synthetic pesticide) pest controls. Although unknown to most people, research and implementation of biological control projects has a long history in the United States. The year 2010 marks the 121st anniversary of the importation and release of the Vedalia beetle into the citrus groves of California. This "lady beetle" predator single‑handedly reduced a major pest (Cottony Cushion Scale) to sub‑economic levels.  Kentucky also has successfully utilized biological control.  Importation and release of parasites and management of a fungal disease have greatly reduced the first generation of alfalfa weevil. 

Although the use of one living organism (beneficial) to control another (pest) works, it can be quite complicated. Simple purchase of a beneficial organism may not be the answer to your pest problem. However, if you are willing to experiment and learn, you may find that use of the various forms of biological control provides good pest control. 

Conditions for Success

Biological control (biocontrol) is very different from the use of insecticides for controlling insect pests. Biocontrol is less harsh on the environment and is safer for people to handle, but is more complicated to implement. Unlike chemical insecticides, biocontrol organisms, called beneficials, are alive. They have behaviors that must be understood and are subject to the same adverse environmental factors as are the pest insects. 

For best success, ensure that there is some prey (food) for your beneficial organisms to feed on. (Pest insects are the food source of beneficials.)  If beneficial organisms are released into an area with no prey, they will either leave in search of prey or die of starvation. Second, use as little insecticide as possible. Beneficials will be killed just as easily as pests by these materials. Additionally, because pest insects are prey (food) for beneficials, killing the pests removes the beneficials' food source. Therefore, beneficials are hit twice as hard as pests by any insecticidal application. As you become more adept at using beneficials, you will find that there are some "insecticides" that may be employed with no, or slight, harm to your beneficial insects. 

The following list of vendors includes both producers of beneficial organisms (insectaries) and distributors.  Because these are living organisms, storage and shipment conditions can affect the quality of the organisms, which in turn will affect their ability to control pest insects.  When ordering, you should ask the vendor questions such as 1) Will the beneficial organisms be shipped directly from an insectary?  2) If not, how long have they been stored prior to shipment?  3) How are the beneficial organisms shipped?  4) What will the beneficial insects look like when they arrive, and how can you, the customer, evaluate their quality?  5) Are there “best practices” for releasing your organisms that give them the best chance for success?  Some vendors have a lot of information about beneficial organisms on their web sites, and many will send tips for successful use of the organisms along with shipment.  For more information on biological control, here are some other helpful web sites: 

Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers: 

Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America:

Biological Control Information Center: 

International Organization for Biological Control:

Integrated pest management for greenhouses crops: 

Iowa State Entomology Index of Internet Resources, Biological Control:

Each beneficial organism has been assigned a code that indicates the usual use of that organism.  For example, organisms used to control aphids all have codes that start with Ap.  Where many beneficial organisms are listed for controlling the same group of pests, the beneficials may differ in which pest species are attacked, life stages (eggs, larvae, etc) of pest attacked, or optimal environmental conditions.  Please consult with the vendor about the best beneficial organism(s) for your particular situation.

Aphid Control  

  • ApAb Aphelinus abdominalis -- parasitic wasp
  • ApAc Aphidius colemani -- parasitic wasp
  • ApAe Aphidius ervi -- parasitic wasp
  • ApAm Aphidius matricariae -- parasitic wasp
  • ApAp Aphidoletes aphidimyza -- parasitic midge

Beetle Control 

  • BeAc Anisopteromalus calandrae -- wasp forstored product beetles
  • BeBp Bacillus papillae -- bacterium for Japanese beetle
  • BeHb Heterorhabditis bacteriophora -- parasitic nematode
  • BeHm Heterorhabditis megidis -- parasitic nematode for black vine weevil
  • BePf Pediobius foveolatus -- parasitic waspBePNunspecified parasitic nematodes
  • BeSk Steinernema kraussei -- parasitic nematode for black vine weevil
  • BeXf Xylocoris flavipes -- predatory bug for stored products beetles 

Crown Gall Control  

  • CGB Agrobacterium radiobacter  -- bacteria

Fly Control

  • FAc Atheta coriaria -- rove beetle for fungus gnats
  • FBt Bacillus thuringiensis i  -- bacterium 
  • FDi Diglyphus isaea -- parasitic wasp for leafminers
  • FDs Dacnusa sibirica -- parasitic wasp for leafminers
  • FH Hister beetles – for filth flies
  • FHa Hypoaspis aculeifer -- predatory mite for fungus gnats, also collembola, nematodes
  • FHm Hypoaspis miles -- predatory mite for fungus gnats
  • FMr Muscidifurax raptor -- parasitic wasp for filth flies
  • FMrs Muscidifurax raptorellus -- parasitic wasp for filth flies
  • FMz Muscidifurax zaraptor -- parasitic wasp for filth flies
  • FNv Nasonia vitripennis -- parasitic wasp for filth flies
  • FP unspecified fly parasites
  • FS Spalangia sp. -- parasitic wasp for filth flies
  • FSc Spalangia cameroni -- parasitic wasp for filth flies
  • FSe Spalangia endius --parasitic wasp for filth flies
  • FSf Steinernema feltiae -- parasitic nematode for flies, also ants, pest nematodes
  • FT Trichomalopsis -- parasitic wasp for filth flies

General Predators and Parasites    

  • GPAb Adalia bipunctata, Two-Spotted Ladybeetle 
  • GPBb Beauveria bassiana -- fungus
  • GPCM Stagmomantis carolina, Carolina Mantis
  • GPGL Chrysoperla carnea or rufilabris, Green Lacewing
  • GPHa Harmonia axyridis, Asian Ladybeetle
  • GPLB Hippodamia convergens, Convergent Ladybeetle
  • GPMPB Orius insidiosus or laevigatus, Minute Pirate Bug
  • GPN Unspecified generalist parasitic nematodes
  • GPPM Tenodera aridifolia sinensis, Praying Mantis
  • GPSC Steinernema carpocapsae, parasitic nematode
  • GPSSB Podisus maculiventris, Spined Soldier Bug

Lepidopteran (moth, butterfly, caterpillar) control

  • LBt Bacillus thuringiensis k -- bacterium
  • LBh Bracon hebetor -- parasitic wasp of larvae
  • LCp Cotesia plutellae-- parasitic wasp of larvae
  • LGl Goniozus legneri -- parasitic wasp for navel orangeworm
  • LSr Steinernema riobravis -- parasitic nematode, also attacks weevils
  • LT Trichogramma sp. -- parasitic wasp of eggs
  • LTb Trichogramma brassicae -- parasitic wasp of eggs
  • LTm Trichogramma minutum -- parasitic wasp of eggs
  • LTpl Trichogramma platneri -- parasitic wasp of eggs
  • LTpr Trichogramma pretiosum -- parasitic wasp of eggs

Lygus Bug Control 

  • LyPdPeristenus digoneutis -- parasitic wasp

Mealybug Control      

  • MbAp Anagyrus pseudococci -- parasitic wasp
  • MbCm Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, Mealybug Destroyer beetle
  • MbLd Leptomastix dactylopii -- parasitic wasp

Mite Control  

  • Miunspecified predatory mites
  • MiAa Amblyseius andersoni -- predatory mite
  • MiAf Amblyseius (Neoseiulus) fallacies -- predatory mite
  • MiFa Feltiella acarisuga -- predatory midge
  • MiGh Galendromus helveolus -- predatory mite
  • MiGo Galendromus  occidentalis -- predatory mite
  • MiGp Galendromus pyri -- predatory mite
  • MiMl Mesoseiulus longipes -- predatory mite 
  • MiNc Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) californicus -- predatory mite
  • MiPm Phytoseiulus macropilus -- predatory mite
  • MiPp Phytoseiulus persimilis -- predatory mite
  • MiSs Scolothrips sexmaculatus, Six-Spotted Thrips
  • MiSp Stethorus punctillum, Spider Mite Destroyer -- beetle


Orthopteran (grasshoppers and crickets) control   

  • ONl Nosema locustae -- microsporidian
  • OSsSteinernema scapterisci -- nematode for mole crickets



  • PB Bombus sp. -- Bumblebee
  • PBi Bombus impatiens -- Bumblebee
  • PBo Bombus occidentalis -- Bumblebee
  • PMB Orchard mason bee

Scale control       

  • ScAp Aphytis melinus, Golden Chalcid -- parasitic wasp
  • ScCn Cybocephalus nipponicus -- predatory beetle
  • ScM Metaphycus spp. -- parasitic wasp for soft scales
  • ScRl Rhyzobius (Lindoruslopanthae, Scale Destroyer beetle

Snail control      

  • SnRd Rumina decollata, Decollate Snail, only available for 12 CA counties  

Thrips control      

  • TAc Amblysieus (Neoseiulus) cucumeris -- predatory mite
  • TAd Amblyseius degenerans -- predatory mite
  • TAs Amblyseius swirskii -- predatory mite, also for whitefly

Weed control    

  • WdAm Aceria malherbae -- mite for field bindweed
  • WdAa Agonopterix alstroemeriana -- moth for poison hemlock
  • WdAc Aphtona cyparissiae -- flea beetle for leafy spurge
  • WdAf Aphthona flava -- flea beetle for leafy spurge
  • WdAl Aphthona czwalinae (lacertosa) -- flea beetle for leafy spurge
  • WdAn Aphthona nigriscutis -- flea beetle for leafy spurge
  • WdAp Aplocera plagiata -- moth for St. Johnswort
  • WdBo Bangasternus orientalis -- weevil for star thistle
  • WdCa Cyphocleonus achates -- root weevil for knapweed
  • WdClu Calophasia lunula -- moth for toadflax
  • WdCli Ceutorhynchus litura -- stem weevil for Canada thistle
  • WdCq Chrysolina quadrigemina beetle for St. Johnswort
  • WdEv Eustenopus villosus -- weevil for yellow starthistle
  • WdGp Galerucella pusilla -- leaf beetle for purple loosestrife
  • WdGa Gymnetron antirrhini -- seed weevil for toadflax
  • WdLm Larinus minutes -- flowerhead weevil for knapweed
  • WdLo Larinus obtusus -- flower weevil for knapweed
  • WdLj  Longitarsus jacobaeae -- flea beetle for tansy ragwort
  • WdMj Mecinus janthinusstem -- boring weevil for toadflax
  • WdMla Microlarinus lareynii  -- seed-feeding weevil for puncturevine
  • WdMly Microlarinus lypriformis -- stem-boring weevil for puncturevine
  • WdOe Oberea erythrocephala -- stem borer for leafy spurge
  • WdSe Spurgia esulae -- shoot-tip gall midge for leafy spurge
  • WdThTrichosirocalus horridus -- rosette weevil for musk thistle
  • WdTl Tyta luctuosa -- moth for field bindweed
  • WdUc Urophora cardui -- stem gall fly for Canada thistle
  • WdUs Urophora stylata -- fly seed predator for bull thistle

Whitefly control 

  • WfDc Delphastus catalinae (pusillus) -- predatory beetle
  • WfEf Encarsia formosa -- parasitic wasp
  • WfEe Eretmocerus eremicus -- parasitic wasp
  • WfEm Eretmocerus mundus -- parasitic wasp


A-1 Unique Insect Control 
5504 Sperry Drive
Citrus Heights CA 95621
(916) 961‑7945 
organisms: BeHb, FMr, FSe, GPLB, GPGL, GPPM, GPSc, LTm, LTpr 

Ag Bio Chem Inc. 
10795 Bryne Avenue
Los Molinos, CA 96055
 (530) 586-1561 
organisms: CGB 

Applied Bionomics 
Victoria, B.C., Canada 
(250) 656‑2123 
organisms: ApAm, ApAp, FAc, FHm, MiAf, MiPp, MiSp, TAc, WfEf, WfDc 

PO Box 8910 
Tucson AZ 85738 
(800) 827-2847 
organisms: ApAb, ApAc, ApAe, ApAp, BeBp, BeHb, BePf, FBt, FDi, FDs, FHm, FSf, GPGL, GPLB, GPMPB, GPPM, GPSc, GPSSB, LBb, LCp, LTm, LTpl, MbCm, MiAf, MiFa, MiGo,  MiMl, MiNc, MiPp, ONl, PBi, ScAp, ScRl, SnRd, Tac, WfDc, WfEe, WfEf 

Arnold Brothers
PO Box 450
Fairacres, NM 88033
(575) 526-6165
organisms: FP, GPGL, GPLB, LT 

Associates Insectary 
P.O. Box 969
Santa Paula CA 93060
(805) 933‑1301 
organisms: MbAp, MbCm, MiNc, ScAp, SnRd 

Becker Underwood
801 Dayton Avenue 
Ames, IA 50010 
(800) 232-5907 
organisms: BeHb, BeHm, BeSk, FSf, GPSc, LSr, OSs 

Beneficial Insect Company
PO Box 471143 
Charlotte, NC 28247-1143 
(704) 607 – 1631
organisms: BeBp, BeHb, FBt, FP, GPGL, GPLB, GPPM, GPSc, MiPp, MiMl, MiNc

Beneficial Insectary, Inc. 
9664 Tanqueray Ct. 
Redding, CA 96003 
(800) 477-3715 
organisms: FP, GPGL, LTb, LTpl, LTp 

Better Bugs
243 S. Escondido Blvd. #318 
Escondido, CA 92920 
(760) 747-2920 
organisms: GPGL, GPPM, MiM, SnRd 

Biobest Canada Limited
2020 Fox Run Road 
Learnington, Ontario N8H 3V7 Canada 
organisms: ApAb, ApAc, ApAe, ApAp, BeHb, BeHm, BeSk, FAc, FDi, FDs, FHa, FHm, FSf, GPAb, GPGL, GPMPB, GPSc, MbCm, MbLd, MiFa, MiNc, MiPp, PBi, TAc, TAs, WfEe, WfEf, WfEm 

Biocontrol Network
5116 Williamsburg Rd. 
Brentwood, TN 37027
 (800) 441-2847 
organisms: ApAm, ApAp, BeBp, BeHb, BePf, FBt, FDi, FHm, FP, FSf, GPGL, GPLB, GPMPB, GPPM, GPSc, GPSSB, LBt, LT, MbCm, MiAf, MiGo, MiMl, MiNc, MiPp, ONl, ScRl, Tac, WfDc, WfEe, WfEf 

P.O. Box 87
Mathis TX 78368
(800) 234‑3259 
organisms: BeAc, BeXf, FMr, GPGL, LBh, LCp, LTp 

P.O. Box 177
Willow Hill, PA 17271
(717) 349‑2789 
organisms: BeHb, FSf, GPCM, GPLB, GPPM, GPSc 

Biological Control of Weeds
1418 Maple Drive 
Bozeman, MT 59715 
(406) 586-5111 
organisms: WdAa, WdAn, WdAp, WdCa, WdCli, WdCq, WdEv, WdGa, WdGp, WdLj, WdLm, WdLo, WdMj, WdOe, WdSe, WdTh, WdUc 

Bioscape, Inc.
(603) 827-3067 
organisms: ApAp, ApAc,  BeHb, Fdi, FHm, GPGL, GPLB, GPMPB, MbCm, MiNc, FSf, MiPp, Tac, WfEf 

Biotactics Inc. 
25139 Briggs Road
Romoland Ca 92585 
(951) 943-2819 
organisms:  MiAf, MiGo, MiGp, MiMl, MiNc, MiPp, TAs 

The Bug Factory, Ltd. 
1636 East Island Highway 
Nanoose Bay, BC V9P 9A5, Canada 
(250) 468-7912 
organisms: FHm, GPSSB, MbCm, MiFa, MiPp, Tac 

BugLogical Control Systems
P.O. Box 32046 
Tucson, AZ 85751 
(520) 298-4400 
organisms: ApAc, ApAp, GPGL, GPLB, GPPM 

Crop Defenders, Ltd.
150 Fraser Rd. 
Learnington, Ontario N8H 4E7 Canada
 (519) 564-3878 
organisms: ApAb, ApAm, ApAp, FHm, GPMPB, LTb, MbCm, MiAf, MiFa, MiNc, MiPp, MiSp, Tac, Tad, TAs, WfDc, WfEe, WfEf 

EcoSolutions, Inc.
2948 Landmark Way 
Palm Harbor, FL 34684
(727) 787-3669 
organisms: ApAc, ApAp, GPGL, GPLB, GPMPB, GPN, MbCm, MiFa, MiNc, TAs 

Entomological Services, Inc.
PO Box 3043 
Visalia, CA 93278 
(559) 627-1153 
organisms: LT, MbCm, MiM, ScAp  

Entomology Solutions, LLC
1355 Bardstown Road, Suite 118 
Louisville, KY 40204 
(502) 384-8953 
organisms: ApAc, ApAe, ApAm, ApAp, GPGL, GPSSB, LTpl, LTpr, MbCm 

Evergreen Growers Supply
17592 South Palmer Road 
Oregon City, OR 97045 
(503) 522-0879 
organisms: ApAm, ApAp, GPLB, FAc, FHm, MbCm, MiAf, MiPp, MiSp 

FAR, Inc. 
510 W. Chase Drive
Corona CA 91720
(888) 760-0120 
organisms: ScAp 

Gardener's Supply Company
128 Intervale Rd. 
Burlington, VT 05401 
(888) 833-1412 
organisms: BeBp, GPLB, GPN, GPPM, LBt, ONl 

Gardens Alive! 
5100 Schenley Place, 
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 
(513) 354-1482 
organisms: BeHb, FSf, GPGL, GPLB, LTm, LTpr 

Good Bugs Insectary (GBI)
30761A Road 216 
Exeter, CA 93221 
(559) 592-3878
organisms: ScAp 

Great Lakes IPM
10220 E Church Rd 
Vestaburg, MI 48891 
organisms: FP 

The Green Spot, Ltd.
93 Priest Rd. 
Nottingham, NH 03290 
(603) 942-8925 
organisms: ApAb, ApAc, ApAe, ApAm, ApAp, BeHb, BePf GPGL, GPLB, GPMPB, GPPM, GPSc, GPSSB, FAc, FDi, FDs, FHm, FP, FSf, LTb, LTm, LTpr, MbCm, MbLd, MiAf, MiFa, MiGo, MiMl, MiNc, MiPp, MiSp, PBi, ScAp, ScCn, ScRl, TAc, TAs, WfDc, WfEe, WfEf 

Greenfire, Inc.
2725A Hwy 32 
West Chico, CA 95973  
(800) 895-8307
organisms: GPLB, GPPM 

Gulf Coast Biotic Technology, Inc.
1041 Elkins Lake
Huntsville, TX 77340
(936) 291-2302
organisms: GPN 

Gurney Seed & Nursery Corp. 
P.O. Box 4178 
Greendale, IN 47025
(513) 354-1491 
organisms: BePN, GPLB 

Harmony Farm Supply 
3244 Hwy. 116 
North Sebastopol, CA 95472 
(707) 823-9125 
organisms: ApAp, GPGL, GPLB, GPPM, LT, MiGo, MiMl, MiNc, MiPp, TAc 

Henry Field Seed & Nursery Co. 
P.O. Box 397 
Aurora, IN 47001 
(513) 354-1494 
organisms: BePN, GPLB 

Hydro‑Gardens, HGI Worldwide Inc. 
P.O. Box 25845 
Colorado Springs, CO 80936
(888) 693-0578 
organisms: BeHb, FHm, FSf, GPGL, GPMPB, GPSc, MiFa, MiGo, MiNc, MiPp, MiSp, PBi, PBo, TAc, WfAs, WfDp, WfEe, WfEf 

International Technology Services Inc.
Lafayette, Colorado 80026
(877) 505-9703
organisms: ApAb, ApAc, ApAe, ApAp, BeHb, BeHm, BeSk, FAc, FDi, FDs, FHa, FHm, FSf, GPAb, GPGL, GPMPB, GPSc, MbCm, MiAa, MiFa, MiNc, MiPp, PB, TAd, WfAs, WfEe, WfEf, WfEm 

IPM Laboratories, Inc. 
Locke, New York 
(315) 497-2063 
organisms: ApAb, ApAc, ApAe, ApAp, FH, FHm, FMr, FMrs, GPGL, GPLB, FHm, GpSc, MbCm, MiAf, MiFa, MiGo, MiMl, MiNc, MiPm, MiPp, MiSp, ScAp, ScM, ScRl, TAc, WfDc, WfEe, WfEf 

Island Seed and Feed
29 S. Fairview Ave 
Goleta, CA  93117 
(805) 967-5262 
 organisms: call for seasonal availability 

Koppert Biological Systems, Inc.
28465  Beverly Rd 
Romulus MI 48174 
(734) 641-3763 
organisms: ApAb, ApAc, ApAe, ApAp, BeHb, FDi, FDs, FHa, FSf, GPGL, GPMPB, LTb, MbCm, MiFa, MiNc, MiPp, TAc, TAs, WfEe, WfEf 

Kuida Ag Supply Co.
1801-A Harkins Rd. 
Salinas, CA 93901 
(831) 758-9914 
organisms: MiPp 

Kunafin "the Insectary"
Route 1
P.O. Box 39
Quemado TX 78877
organisms: FP, LT, GPGL, GPLB 

Mary's Decollate Snails
(760) 744-9233
organisms: SnRd 

Miller Nurseries 
5060 West Lake Road 
Canandaigua, NY 14424
(800) 836-9630 
Other Organisms:  BP 

M&R Durango, Inc.
PO Box 886 
Bayfield, Colorado 81122 
(800) 526-4075 
organisms: ApAc, ApAe, ApAm, ApAp, FHm, GPGL, GPLB, GPMPB, LTb, LTPl, LTpr, MbCm, MiAf, MiGo, MiNc, MiPp, ONl, ScRl, TAc, WfEe, WfEf 

Natural Insect Control
3737 Netherby Road 
Stevensville Ontario L0S 1S0 Canada
 (905) 382-2904 
organisms: ApAb, ApAc, ApAe,ApAm, ApAp, BeXf, FAc, FDi, FDs, FHm, FSf, GPGL, GPHa, GPLB,GPMPB, GPPM, GPSSB, LBh, LCp, LTb, LTm, LTpr, MbCm, MbLd, MiAf, MiFa, MiGo, MiMl, MiNc, MiSp, PB, ScAp, ScRl, TAc, TAd, WfDc, WfDh, WfEe, WfEf 

Natural Pest Control 
8864 Little Creek Drive
Orangevale CA 95662
(916) 726‑0855
organisms: FDi, FDs, FMz, FNv, GPGL, GPPM, GPSc, LT, MbCm, MiNc, MiPp, ONl, ScAp, TAc, WfEf 

Nature's Control
P.O. Box 35
Medford OR 97501
(541) 245-6033 
organisms: ApAm, ApAp, BeHb, FHm, FP, GPGL, GPMPB, GPPM, GPSc, LT, MbCm, MiMl, MiNc, MiPp, MiSb, TAc, WfDc, WfEf 

Organic Control, Inc. (ORCON) 
PO Box 781147W 
Los Angeles, CA 90016 
organisms: FB, GPGL, GPLB, GPPM, GPSc, LT, MbCm, Mi, ScAp, SnRd, WfDc 

Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
P.O. Box 2209 
Grass Valley, CA 95945 
(888) 784-1722 
organisms: BeBp, BeHb, FBt, FMrs, FMz, FSc, FSe FSf, FHm, GPBB, GPLB, GPPM, GPSc, LTpl, LTpr, MbCm, MiGh, MiGo, MiMl, MiNc, ONl, PMB, SnRd,  TAc, WdBo, WdMla, WdMly, WfEf 

Planet Natural
1612 Gold Ave. 
Bozeman, MT 59715 
(800) 289-6656 
organisms: ApAc, ApAp, FDi, FHa, FMz, FS, FSf, GPGL, GPLB, GPMPB, GPSSB,  LTm, LTpr, MbCm, MiPp, PBi, TAc, WfEf 

Plant Products Co. Ltd.
314 Orenda Road 
Brampton, Ontario L6T 1G1 Canada 
(905) 793-7000 
organisms: ApAc, ApAe, ApAm, ApAp, BeHm, FAc, FDs, FHa, FHm, GPGL, MbCm, MiAf, MiNc, TAc, TAd, TAs, WfEe, WfEm 

Rincon‑Vitova Insectaries, Inc. 
PO Box 1555 
Ventura, CA 93002-1555 
(800) 248-2847 
organisms: ApAb, ApAc, ApAe, ApAm, ApAp, BeHb, BeHm, BePf, FAc, FDi, FDs, FHm, FSf, GPGL, GPLB, GPMPB, GPSc, GPSSB, LBh, LGl, LSr, LTpl, LTpr, LyPd, MbCm, MiAa, MiAf, MiFa, MiGo, MiMl, MiNc, MiPp, MiSp, MiSs, ScAp, ScCn, ScRl, SnRd, TAc, WFDc, WfEe, WfEf 

Rocky Mountain Insectary (CO residents, only)
750  37 8/10 Rd. 
Palisade, CO 81526 
organisms: WdAm, WdAc, WdAf, WdAl, WdAn, WdCa, WdCli, WdClu, WdLm, WdMj, WdMla, WdMly, WdTh, WdTl, WdUs 

Sespe Creek Insectary 
PO Box 176 
Lindsay, CA 93247
(559) 562-6464
organisms: ScAp 

Spalding Laboratories 
760 Printz Road
Arroyo Grande CA 93420
(888) 880-1579 
organisms: FMr, FMz, FSc, FT 

Sterling Insectary
30787 Perkins Avenue 
McFarland, CA 93250 
(661) 792-6810 
organisms: MbAp, MbCm, MiGo, MiNc, MiSs 

Sweetbriar Biosystems
151 Silliman Road 
Watsonville, CA 95076 
(831) 722-5577 ext. 11
organisms: MiNc, MiPp 

Syngenta BioLine
PO Box 2430
Oxnard, CA 93034 
(805) 986-8265 
organisms: ApAb, ApAc, ApAe, ApAp, BeHm, FAc, FDi, FDs, FHm, FSf, GPMPB, MiAa, MiNc, MiPp, TAc, TAs, WfEe, WfEf 

Territorial Seed Company
PO Box 158 
Cottage Grove, OR 97424 
(800) 626-0866 
organisms: BeHb, GPGL, GPLB, GPPM, GPSc, MiMl, MiNc, MiPp, PMB 

Tip Top Bio-Control
PO Box 7614 
Westlake Village, CA 91359 
(800) 525-0004 
organisms: BeHb, FSf, GPGL, GPLB, GPPM, GPSc, LT, MbCm, MiNc, MiPp, ScAp, SnRd, WfDc, WfEf 

Worm’s Way Inc.
7850 North State Road 37  
Bloomington, IN 47404 
(800) 274-9676 
organisms: BeBP, GPGL, GPLB, GPMPB, GPSc, FHm, FP, MbCm, MiMl, MiNc, MiPp, MiSp, TAc, WfDc, WfEf 

Issued: 4/98 
Revised: 9/28/10

CAUTION! Pesticide recommendations in this publication are registered for use in Kentucky, USA ONLY! The use of some products may not be legal in your state or country. Please check with your local county agent or regulatory official before using any pesticide mentioned in this publication. 


Photos courtesy University of Kentucky Entomology

Contact Information

S-225 Ag Science Center Lexington, KY 40546-0091

(859) 257-7450


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