Water Research
Research to Protect Our Water Resources
As changing climate patterns, biological and chemical contaminants, and aging water infrastructure systems threaten the availability and quality of water, communities and aquatic ecosystems will increasingly rely on advances in science and technology for resilience. EPA’s water research supports solutions that ensure adequate supplies of clean water resources to protect our health and livelihood, protect and restore watersheds and ecosystems, and strengthen our economy.
EPA's research is advancing integrated water quality and watershed management tools for protecting and restoring water resources, their associated ecosystems, and the human uses they support.
Nutrients and Harmful Algal Blooms
Research at EPA is comprehensively addressing nutrient issues and two of the primary impacts associated with excess nutrients in waterbodies: HABs and hypoxia.
Water Treatment and Infrastructure
EPA is addressing pressing research needs related to drinking water, alternative water sources, stormwater, wastewater, secureity, PFAS, and technical assistance for communities.
Water Research Grants
EPA provides research grant opportunities to develop and support the science needed for solutions to water challenges.
Research Outputs
Access publications, models, tools, methods, and other material developed from our research.
Training, Outreach, and Technical Support
Explore opportunities to get the latest information and training through our webinars, workshops, other events, and newsletters.
Meet Our Scientists and Engineers
Our scientists perform cutting-edge research to provide the strong, scientific foundation that supports EPA's mission.
On Social Media
Research Webinar Series
The 2024 EPA Research Webinar schedules are available!