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Для нейтрализации я использовала красители бренда picasso на 6 угт. 6/32+6/221+3%+ШСЦ Каждого красителя по 2гр + оксид 30мл + 5 635 шампунь для окрашенных (можно ШГО) 30мл Наносим либо сразу на все волосы, либо как в моём случае, сначала на жёлтыеной 51 участки, затем на длинуши золотистого Визуальный контроль до 20 минут. Затем смываем, можно без шампуня, далее кондиционер. И после, если это необходимо 1 258 приступаем к тонированию
This is my go to placement for partial highlights which is perfect for those with lots of layers. In this video, I’m creating chunky highlights on a curved section of the head. I identify key points like the apex and occipital bone to predict how the highlights with fall. This will also diffuse the stopping point of the highlights. To create chunky highlights I first use a slicing technique then weave 3-4 highlights. To give it a more modern look, I tease the hair slightly towards the root...
CARLY ZANONI • Color & Placement Expert For Hairstylists on Instagram: "Horizontal foiling was hard for me!! ✅ But first: want to know more about how I started to become more efficient PLUS my favorite placement that saves me 30 minutes? Comment 30 minutes and I’ll send you my FREE masterclass!! Horizontal highlight foils made me nervous because I never knew what to do at the part. Do I do two back to back foils? Do I space them out, do I leave a veil on each side of the part!? Here’s what helped me: 👉🏼 take a section that includes the hair on each side of the part (about 1.5 to 2 inches on each side) 👉🏼 start on one side of the section and work up through the section, spacing the foils out evenly when you get near the part 👉🏼 I don’t overthink exactly where the part is or a