Bocksten ManPersona IdeasMedieval HoodMedieval Cape14th Century ClothingExtant GarmentsMedieval ShoesBog ManMedieval CloakBocksten ManThe Bocksten Bog Man Hood107
14th Century ClothingBog BodyMedieval OutfitHistorical NonfictionViking GarbMedieval GarbMedieval ClothesViking ClothingLate Middle Ages14th Century ClothingBoksten Man (found in bog, late 14th-century) finds. Hood (with 90cm liripipe), cloak, tunic/kyrtle, hose (plus two closeups showing hose tied at back and holes/repairs in main garment).767
Forensic ArtistPlasticine ClayBog BodyCarbon SinkHuman RemainsMan ClothesEuropean OutfitHistorical ArmorFoul PlayReconstructing the Bocksten Man’s faceNow known as Bocksten Man, his body was stashed at the bottom of the bog by his killer attempting to hide the crime. Unbeknownst to them, the water’s natural chemistry slows the decay of human remains.20
Medieval AttireMedieval HoodMedieval TunicHistory BoundingMedieval CloakHuman RemainsA SkeletonMedieval ClothingPeriod CostumesMedieval Attire4
Bocksten ManViking CoatViking ReenactmentViking LifeHistorical ReenactmentCrafts WorkshopViking AgeLiving HistoryMale ArtBocksten Man1
Bog ManMedieval GarbMedieval ClothesLarp CostumeMedieval CostumeCentury ClothingMedieval ArmorMedieval ClothingFantasy CostumesBog Man660
Bocksten Man14th Century FashionMedieval Reference14th Century ClothingMens GarbSca GarbMedieval GarbMedieval ClothesEmpire RomainBocksten ManBocksten Man - well preserved man's clothing 2nd half of 14th century, Vaberg Museum387
Bocksten ManAnglo Saxon Clothing14th Century ClothingMedieval TunicFacial ReconstructionMedieval OutfitBog ManMedieval GarbMedieval ClothesBocksten Man50
Tunic TutorialNorse ClothingMedieval TunicMedieval PatternViking TunicViking PatternViking GarbMedieval GarbViking DressThe Bocksten Man TunicThe tunic worn by the Bocksten man The Tunic: The first garment we will focus on for our reconstruction of the Bocksten man outfit ...218
Medieval Cloak PatternBocksten ManShort Cloak14th Century ClothingSewing ReferenceSwedish VikingsCloak PatternScandinavian DressMedieval OutfitMedieval Cloak PatternThe Bocksten Bog Man Cloak - The outermost garment found was a protective mantle or cloak made of a red- brown woolen twill. The Cloak is semi-circular, with a round opening for the head, and is sewn together on the right shoulder. It is comprised of two whole loomwidths, worn as though bias-cut. The lower "loomwidth" is sewn along a single seam, connecting the selvage edges. There is one section in the back, where an additional piece has been used to lengthen the lower…113