The SunflowerPlaces In The WorldMagical PlacesNature BeautyPrint PatternKansasSunflowerCountry RoadsFavorite PlacesThe SunflowerKansas Konza Praire12
Tallgrass Prairie National PreserveArkansas CityKansas UsaFlint HillsCountry ScenesAmerican CountryScenic BywaySolo TravelKansasThe Epic Hill In Kansas Will Drop Your JawWhat is not to love about the colorful, rolling, and graceful Flint Hills?57
Tall Grass PrairieLimestone GravelTallgrass Prairie National PreserveTallgrass PrairieOld CowboySanta Fe TrailFlint HillsHorse TrailPea GravelThe Kansas River Walk Trail Perfect For Any Hiker %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%This Kansas river walk is something scenic and well-kept for hikes and casual strolls, no matter your experience level. Who's ready to go?47
Temperate GrasslandFlint Hills KansasTallgrass PrairieManhattan KansasGeographical FeaturesFlint HillsRoad Trip PlacesBackground ReferencesLandscape ReferenceKonza Prairie Biological StationMost of Konza was once a part of the Dewey Cattle Ranch. In the 1970's, the Nature Conservancy purchased the property, over 13 square miles. It is managed by Kansas State University to be used as a research natural area to study the tallgrass prairie ecosystem. a public nature trail takes visitors on a scenic hike across the virgin tallgrass prairie and atop the limestone-capped hills overlooking the property. Brochures, trail guides and an interpretive kiosk are found at the trailhead33
Konza PrairieKansas WildflowersKansas DayTallgrass PrairieManhattan KsFlint HillsKansas UsaArt CottageK StateKonza Prairie Site Descriptionprairie - Google Search17
Konza PrairieTallgrass PrairieManhattan KansasState Of KansasFlint HillsKansas UsaKansas State UniversityHome On The RangeKansas StateKonza TrailExplore JaredKS' 168 photos on Flickr!378
Sunset And StarsFlint Hills KansasKansas PrairieTallgrass Prairie National PreserveHill SunsetKansas TravelCalm LandscapeBeautiful Sunset PicturesHills PhotographyFlint Hills Photography by Mickey ShannonFine art prints for sale. Beautiful scenes, landscapes and nature photography from the Flint Hills of Kansas. These Flint Hills images include Teter Rock, the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Texaco Hill, Konza Prairie and more.45
Kansas LandscapeOf PrairiesTallgrass PrairieManhattan KansasManhattan KsFlint HillsPrairie HomeA Simple LifeNature ConservationKansas LandscapeKonza Prairie26
Temperate GrasslandRendering TexturesManhattan KansasHuman PopulationLandscaping SoftwareFlint HillsDay EarthK StateAgricultural LandGrasslands in US Great Plains are being destroyed at “alarming rate”Temperate grassland ecosystems are being destroyed around the world, largely due to conversion to agricultural land driven by the need to provide food and fuel for the exploding human population. A study published in August found that, despite popular belief to the contrary, grassy biomes such as grasslands and savannas harbor just as much biodiversity […]4
Konza PrairiePrairie AestheticProgressive DinnerNature TrailHiking TrailsKansasVirginiaThe OutsidersCountry RoadsKonza PrairieKonza Prairie Nature Trail9