"⭐️EDITABLE in CANVA⭐️ Professionally designed Makeup Artist Face Chart. It is completely customizable. Text, font, and colors are all fully editable to give you complete control of your branding and create a cohesive look for your business. This is an Instant digital download. - Easy to EDIT directly on CANVA - All text can be edited for wording, font, color, size and placement or you can delete them completely. - Add your email, phone number and website. Your files will be available as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD after your purchase, so you will not receive anything physically. After payment, kindly check your email for the PDF file. ⭐️ SIZE: ► LETTER 8,5\" x 11\" ⭐️ WHAT'S INCLUDED: - 1 PDF instructions with link to your Canva template - 1 Pre-made letter size makeup face chart Template ⭐️ HOW