Create and display the TRUE meaning of Christmas this Advent season with a meaningful, hands-on journey through the Bible that builds excitement and understanding each day of the Christmas Season!✨ Through Daily Devotions, Prayers, Scripture Readings, and Hands on Activities with Printable Ornaments & Advent Tree, students can discover how God’s plan of salvation unfolded throughout the Bible, leading to the birth of Jesus!⭐ This printable Jesse Tree Activity Pack has everything you need to engage kids every day of this advent season! Classroom, homeschool and ministry teachers alike will love these Bible-focused Christmas lessons! ✨ What's Included:✨ Daily Devotions: 1 introduction and 25 daily devotions that will guide you and your children/students in a daily Scripture reading, devotion, and prayer. Read aloud to a younger class or have older learners read themselves. Ornaments: 25 Ready to print and cut-out ornaments, provided in color and black and white. Printable Jesse Tree - 3 printable Jesse Tree options given. Two color options- one with placement guides and one blank, one black and white. Mini Jesse Tree Coloring Book - 25 half-page coloring pages with the Jesse Tree symbol/image and the correlating Bible verse. “The Jesse Tree” Inspired by Isaiah’s prophecy about a shoot growing from the tree stump of Jesse, The Jesse Tree recounts many of the Old Testament Stories and New Testament Promises and Fulfillment that led up to Christ's birth. Through these stories, we will see how God had a plan to send His son the whole time!! ✨Each day you will learn about one of these stories by Scripture reading, devotion and prayer. Included in this printable Jesse Tree activity are Introduction & The Bible The Creation The Fall (Adam and Eve) The Rainbow (Noah) Abram's Tent The Ram (Abraham/Isaac) Jacob's Dream Joseph's Coat The Passover The Law (Ten Commandments) Rahab's Rope Ruth's Grain Young David King David Isaiah's Message Daniel's Angel Jonah's Fish Bethlehem Zechariah John Mary Joseph Elizabeth The Trinity Jesus is Born Engaging, Flexible, and Fun!⭐ Cut and Paste: Add a new ornament to the Jesse Tree each day. Coloring Fun: Let younger learners color a mini page for each devotion. Start the Advent season with a meaningful, hands-on journey through the Bible that builds excitement and understanding each day. Thank you and HAPPY TEACHING! --------------------------------------- ** NOTE** There are literally hundreds of prophecies Jesus fulfilled. The Jesse tree does not limit them or tell everything there is to know about our wonderful Savior. With this in mind, you will find The Jesse Tree has been designed in many different ways and created with varying Bible stories and images and this is ok. I hope you enjoy the one I put together through much prayer and Bible study. I was truly inspiring to see Jesus in all the stories!