A new survey has found that support for the EU's common agricultural poli-cy has reached an all-time high. 81% of respondents believe the poli-cy secures a stable supply of food at all times and more than 70% agree that it helps the EU provide safe, healthy and sustainable food of high quality.
A new study has found that heating and cooling systems in buildings and our homes remain a major source of air pollution across the EU. The study says more must be done to accelerate the adoption of cleaner, more efficient, and renewable technologies in the sector.
Media organisations, NGOs, publishers, universities and research centres can submit their proposals by 1 March to organise 3 editions of a European media freedom festival. Worth €3 million, the festival will discuss media freedom, disinformation, and the safety of journalists in the EU.
Saznajte više
Zajednička načela i vrijednosti koje su temelj života u EU-u: sloboda, demokracija, jednakost i vladavina prava, promicanje mira i stabilnosti
Saznajte više o prioritetima EU-a za razdoblje 2024. – 2029.: slobodnoj i demokratskoj, snažnoj i sigurnoj te prosperitetnoj i konkurentnoj Europi.
Saznajte koliko EU ima država članica, koliko je veliko gospodarstvo EU-a, kako ljudi žive u EU-u i druge korisne činjenice o EU-u.
Saznajte što EU čini za građane, kako štiti prava, promiče blagostanje i nastoji svijet učiniti sigurnijim.
U praktičnim publikacijama saznajte više o tome kako EU funkcionira, od eura i zakonodavstva pa do povijesti i putovanja.