Rust dye

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dyeing and unstitching the resists - loveFibre :: colour to touch
dyed stitch resists This is such a fascinating effect-- sew monochrome cotton fabric with black or white polyester thread, dye, then remove stitches.
Recreating with thread: The wonder of found objects in textile art – TextileArtist
Alice Fox: Tide Line (group) It’s one thing to collect shells for your textile art and quite another to also bottle the seawater. But that’s exactly what artist Alice Fox does. Learn how she and five other ‘found object’ artists incorporate the treasures they find into their textile art. Nothing is off limits, including broken mixers and the kitchen trash bin.
Rust dyed, layered fabric collage with hand stitch by Julia Wright
reflection - rust print
reflection - rust print | more rust prints | Sharon Pazner | Flickr