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National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Awards Grant
A Dynamic, Empiricial Inner-Magnetospheric Electric Field Model using Machine Learning
A Historical Reconstruction of Vegetation and a Carbon Budget for the Brazilian Cerrado using Multiple Satellite Sensors and Historical Aerial Photography
A Multi-Sensor View of Satellite Ocean Wind Stress Estimation and its Application to Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling
A Novel Approach Toward the Estimation of Net Ecosystem Metabolism in Estuary-plume Systems using Optical and Modeled Data
A Simulation Pipeline for the Study of Kilonovae Light Curves & R-Process Nucleosynthesis
A Study of Hydrogen versus Oxygen Dominated Reconnection Events in the Magnetotail: Comparing Observations with Kinetic Simulations
A multi-instrument study of dipolarization events accompanied by large electric fields in the inner magnetosphere
AGN Heating and Thermal Conduction in Clustersof Galaxies
APD Readout Scheme for Solar Neutron Tracking Device
Aeronomy at Earth: Tools for Heliophysics Exploration and Research
Albedo Polarimetry of GRBs and Solar Flares with GBM
Albedo Radiation Data from COMPTEL as Input to the Fermi Background Model
Alpha Particle Beams in the Inner Solar Wind
Altimetry and Operational Wind-Wave Prediction
Amazon River Discharge and its Influence on Tropical Atlantic SST and Mixed Layer Dynamics
An Integrative Field Campaign to Characterize the Impact of Changing Riverine Fluxes on Coastal Biology, Biogeochemistry, and Biodiversity in the Beaufort Sea
An Investigation of the Differential Flow, Anisotropic Heating, and Abundance Variations of Helium in the Solar Wind
Analysis and Detection of Amazonian Black Earth Sites using Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery
Analysis of Data from the First GRAPE Balloon Flight
Analysis of Optical and Biogeochemical Data During the Discover AQ Cheasapeake Field Campaign
Application of Antifreeze Proteins and Mimetic Peptides in Anti-Icing Surface Coating
Application of Enhanced Sea State Bias Corrections for Precise Long-term Altimeter Sea Level Climate Data Records
Applying EOS-Aqua, Altimetry and Wave Model Data to Improve Aquarius Salinity Measurements
Assessing the Impacts of Surface Waves on SWOT Measurements
Auroral Current and Electrodynamic Structure (ACES) Sounding Rocket Experiment
Automating Scientist-in-the-Loop Event Selections for MMS Burst Date Downlink
BATSE Sensitivity to Polarized Gamma-Radiation
Broad-Band Gamma-Ray Spectra of Cygnus X-1
CASCADES 2: Reflight of the Changing Aurora in Situ and Camera Analysis of Dynamic Electron Precipitation Structures
COMPTEL Observations of Soft X-Ray Transients
COMPTEL Studies of Gamma-Ray Bursts at MeV Energies
CRaTER - Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation
Charge State Composition of Solar & Shock
Chemical Characterization of Bulk Aerosol and the Measurement of HNO3 on the NASA DC-8 During Southeast Asia Composition, Cloud, Climate, Coupling Regions Study (SEAC4RS)
Coded Aperture Suvey Telescope Ener Rad Black Hole (CASTER)
Comparing Signatures of Ion Heating from Reconnection Observed with MMS, THEMIS and TWINS
Connecting Theory and Simulations of Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere with Single-Point Measurements by Solar Probe Plus and Solar Orbiter
Contributions of Changes in Land Use, Land Cover, Water Use and Climate to the Hydrological Cycle across the Central Asian States
Cosmic Ray Interstellar Propagation
Counterpart Search for 2.2 Mev Gamma Rays
Creating an Extended and Coherent ESDR of the Ocean Surface Winds, Stress and Their Dynamically-Significant Derivatives for the Period 1999-2022
DREAM: Dynamic Response of Environments at Asteroids, the Moon and Moons of Mars
Data Services Upgrade: CAMMICE-MICS Improved Access and Recalibration
Delivery of the Background Corrected Cluster-CODIF Ion Composition Data Set
Determining Geophysical Impacts on Scatterometer Wind Stress Accuracy
Develop & Test Angle Detecting Inclined Sensors Systems
Development and Testing of a Low-Resource Time-of-flight Ion Mass Spectrometer
Development and Testing of a New Positron Identification by Coincident Annihilation Photons (PICAP) System
Development of Solar Flare Hard X-Ray/Gamma-Ray Polarimeter
Diamond Scattering Detectors for Compton Telescopes
Digital Earth Watch: A program to Promote Environmntal Monitoring by Students and Citizens through Remote Sensing and Digital Photography
Direct Estimates of Biogeochemical Fluxes using Satellite Derived Fields and Lagrangian Trajectories
Discontinuities and Turbulence
Dissipate Turbulence in Solar Wind
Dissipation of the Nearly Perpendicular Turbulence in the Solar Wind
Drought-Induced Vegetation Change and Fire in Amazonian Forests: Past, Present, and Future
Dynamic Response of the Environment at the Moon
Dynamos, Winds, and Electric Fields in the Daytime Lower Iono-Sphere (Dynamo 2)
EMIC Waves and Associated Relativistic Electron Precipitation
EPSCoR CAN: Passive Microwave Detection of Snowmelt and Runoff
Earth-Moon-Mars Radiation Exposure Module
Ecosystem Carbon Indicators for the US National Climate Assessment
Effects of Disturbance and N Deposition on Nitrogen-Albedo Relations in Forests
Elementary GLOBE Teacher Training in Support of the NASA Aerosol Measurement Missions
Emission, Transport, Deposition, and Impacts of Biomass Burning Derived Black Carbon on the Greenland Ice Sheets
Endurance: Gauging Earth's Polar Wind Ambipolar Electric Field
Energetic Charged Particle Prototype Instrument with a Novel Synthetic Diamond Cherenkov
Engaging Students in the Science of Climate Change: Using Earth Observing Data in the Classroom
Enhancing Research and Education Capacity for Integration of Earth Observations, Infectious Diseases Ecology and Public Health in New Hampshire
Estimation of Foliar Chemistry from Visible & Infrared Data
Estimation of Tropical Forest Structure Using Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms and Field Based Data
Evaluate and Derive Sea State Bias Models for TOPEX Retracked Data
Evolution of the Magnetic Field in Solar Transients Between the Upper Corona and 1 AU
Exploiting Synergies Between Ocean Wind-Wave Modeling and Satellite Altimetry
Exploring Relationships Among Water Use Efficiency, Canopy Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling Across North American Ecosystems to Improve Land Surface Models
Exploring Relationships among Carbon Cycling, Vegetation Nitrogen Status and Surface Albedo across North American Ecosystems to Improve Land Surface Models
Exploring the Effects of Water Stress on Plant Carbon Uptake with Existing and New Products from EC
Exploring the Interactions Between Carbon Cycling, Land Use and Climate Change Within Mixed Agricultural, Forested, Suburban, and Urban Landscapes
Factors that Control the Ion Composition of the Plasma Sheet and Ring Current
From Archea to the Atmosphere: Integrating Microbial, Isotopic and Landscape-Scale Observations to Quantify Methane Emissions from Global High-Latitude Ecosystems
GLOBE Student Research Symposia (GLOBE SRS): Building Capacity & Community
GRAPE - A Balloon-Borne Polarimeter for Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Astronomy
Gamma-Ray Flares and Hard X-Ray Variations in the Crab Nebula Since 1991
Geostationary Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer (GLIMR)
H+ and O+ Acceleration and Transport to the Ring Current
Hard X-Ray Polarimetry of Solar Flare with HESSI
Hard X-Ray Polarimetry of Solar Flares with RHESSI
Hard X-Ray Polarimetry of Solar Flares with RHESSI
He and He2 at Interplanetary Discontinuities
Heavy Ion Effects on Magnetic Reconnection in the Earth's Magnetotail
HelioSwarm: The Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas
High Mountain Asia and Beyond: Regional Changes in Climate, Glaciers and Water Resources
High School Astrophysics
High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer
How Does the Earth's Bow Shock Promote Downstream Acceleration at Thin Current Sheets (Mag)
How are Magnetospheric Field and Plasmas Impacted by Impulsive Changes in Interplanetary Parameters?
Hybrid Simulations of Turbulence in the Slow Winds and Ejecta
Hyperspectral Requirements for Remote Estimation of Forest
IMAP Student Collaboration
Imager Characterization for the Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) Space Environment Satellite
Impacts of Changing Sec Ice Regimes on Artic Ocean Biology
Importance Of Heavy Ions To Plasma Sheet Dynamics
Improved Data Products for FAST TEAMS
Increasing the dynamic range of spaceflight charged particle instruments
Independent Boom Dynamics Investigation for Magnetospheric Multi-Scale Mission
Integrated Modeling of Microgravity-Induced Visual Changes
Integration Aviris and Lidar Data - Anderson, J
Interaction of Extended MHD and Kinetic Effects in Global Magnetosphere Models
Intermittency in Solar-Wind Turbulence
Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Student Collaboration
Intl Gamma Ray Astrophysics Lab MeV Source
Investigating Interannual Freshwater Variability Along the NW Atlantic Shelf Using Satellite Salinity Data
Investigating the Cause of the 2012 Acceleration of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland Using High Resolution Observations of the Glacier Terminus
Investigating the Structure of Coronal Magnetic Eruptions Through Comprehensive Data Analysis
Ion Distribution Functions at the Termination Shock
Ion Mass Spectrum Analyzer for SCOPE
Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves at Earth's Magnetosphere
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping through Enhanced Dynamic Slope Stability Analysis using Earth Observing Satellite Measurements
Langrangian Studies and Measurement Support During the NASA GEO-CAPE Gulf of Mexico Field Campaign
LargE Area Burst Polimeter (LEAP)
Leadership, Measurements and Interpretation of Lagrangian Data for the Korea-US Ocean Color Cruise
Lightening Advisory Panel 2021
Lightning Advisory Panel
Lightning Advisory Panel (LAP)
Localized Organic Carbon Dynamics: An Approach Toward the Estimation of Pelagic Net Community Productivity using MODIS Data and Lagrangian Trajectory Analysis
Long Duration Solar Observations with COMPTEL
Loss Through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP)
Low-Temperature Comparative Planetology: Pore-cale Dynamics with Planetary Scale Implications
Low-resource Winds Instrumentation for Scientific Measurements in Planetary Thermospheres
Lunar Surface Navigation (CelNav): Independent Lunar Surface Navigation in a Crater
MEME-X Phase A
Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission Ion Mass Spectrometer
Magnetospheric-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfven Resonator
Microwave Remote Sensing Theory of the Ocean Surface at L-Band
Models of Kilonova and Gamma Ray Burst Sources with Monte-Carlo Neutrino Transport
Mounds, Microclimates, and Maize: Understanding the Influence of Inland Lakes on Agriculture in Pre-contact Indigenous Societies Using Remote Sensing Image Data
Multi Point Observation of Interplanetary Shocks at 1AU
Multiscale Model of the Magnetosphere
NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development Program
NASA Lunar Navigational Determination System (LaNDS) IRAD: Celectial Navigation (CelNav) for Lunar Surface Navigation
NASA MMS Boom Dynamic Investigation and Accelerometer Parameters Estimation
NH NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development Program 2019-2022
NICER Neutron Stars with Dark Matter
New Hampshire NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development (RID) Program 2015-2018
New Hampshire NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development Program (2022-2027)
New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium
New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium Opportunities in NASA STEM FY 2020-2024
New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium Training Program
New Scintillator for High Energy Astrophysics
Non-Maxwellian Distribution Functions in the Solar Wind: Dispersion Relations and Instabilities
Northern Eurasian Landscapes: Interactions between Humans, Hydrology, Land Cover and Land Use
Numerical Investigation of CME Evolution in the Corona and Inner Heliosphere and How it Determines CME Properties at 1 AU
On-Line Energetic Ion Composition Data from AMPTE IRM
Open-source software to support research with ICESat-2 data
Optimization of the GRAPE Polarimeter Design
Orinoco River Plumes Study
Parametric Instability in the Inner Heliosphere
Physical Origins of Suprathermal Ion Populations Throughout the Heliosphere
Pickup-Ion-Driven Turbulence and Heating of the Solar Wind
Plasma Flows Around the Heliosphere Inferred from IBEX-Lo Neutral Measurements
Polarimeter Beam Testing at NASA-MSFC
Polarimeter for Gamma-Ray Bursts Wide Field-of-View X-Ray
Polarimeter for Gamma-Ray Bursts Wide Field-of-View X-Ray
Polarization Studies with CGRO-COMPTEL
Producing Homogeneous, Machine Learning-Ready Auroral Image Database Using Unsupervised Learning
Proposal to Support Voyager MAG Studies
Providing Scientific and Technical Guidance to the Development and Evaluation of the Integrated Flux Pilot Product: Forcing Evaluation, Parameter Optimization, Uncertainty Assessment and Product Validation
Quantifying the Role of Salinity in NW Atlantic Shelf Circulation Dynamics
Ramaty High Energy Spectro Solar Imager Monitor X-Ray Sky
Remote Sensing, Field & Modelling Analysis of White Mtn.
Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture for Rainfall Runoff
Research and Discover: A UNH-GFFC Joint Center for Earth and Space Sciences Education
Responsive Autonomous Rovers to enable Polar science
Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling
Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling
Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 3 (RENU 3)
Rocket Observations of Neutral Upwelling in Cusp
Rocket Observations of Pulsating Aurora
Role of Finite-Wavelength Effects
Role of Kinetics in Nearly Perpendicular Cascades
SOLPOL-A Solar Polarimeter for Hard X-Rays & Gamma Rays
STEREO In-situ Magnetic Field, Ions & Composition Invest
STEREO-PLASTIC Investigating the Farside: Solar Wind and Heliospheric Ions
Satellite Enhanced Snowmelt Flood Predictions in the Red River of the North Basin
Scaling Forest Biometric Properties Derived from High Resolution Imagery using Moderate Resolution Spectral Reflectance Data
Scaling Forest Carbon Flux Measurements Sites to Landscapes
Scaling and evaluation of ecosystem carbon uptake through integration of multi-scale remote sensing with AmeriFLUX and NACP field observations
Science Organizing Committee Membership for the Heliophysics 2050 Workshop
Simulation and Analytical Investigation of Waves Supported by Solar-Wind Tangential Discontinuities
Site Assessments in Cold and Alpine Environments for Wind Power Generation
Small Active Readout Device for Dose Spectra from Energetic Particles and Neutrons-DoSEN
Smoke on the Water: Lake-based calibration of Amazonian fire histories
Soil Moisture and Earthquakes: Integrating Satellite Soil Moisture Data with Seismic Records
Solar GRAPE - Development of Hard X-Ray Polimeter for Solar Flares
Solar Wind Drivers of Plasmasheet Composition
Solar Wind Effect on Magnetopause Shadowing Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons
Solar Wind Observations During Solar Cycle Transition
Solar Wind Observations at Quadrature
Sounding Rocket Observations of the Role of Electron Temperatures in Ionospheric Feedback
Sounding of the Cusp Ion Fountain Energization Region 2 - SCIFER-2
Space-based Measurements of Pulsating Aurora
Spatial Characterization of Snow and Soil Interactions
Stochastic Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares
Studies of Atmospheric Albedo Neutrons and Gamma Rays with CGRO/COMPTEL
Study of Equatorial Magnetos with TOF Mass Spectrometer
Studying the Gamma-Ray Polarization of GRBs with GRAPE
Substorm Impacts on Ion Composition in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
Successive Coronal Mass Ejections and Associated Solar Energetic Particles
Synthesis of 3-D Coronal-Solar Wind Energetic Particle Acceleration (C-SWEPA) Modules
Synthesis of 3-D Coronal-Solar Wind Energetic Particle Acceleration (C-SWEPA) Modules
Technology Development for the CASTER Black Hole Finder Probe Mission
The Decline Phase of Solar Cycle 24 With STEREO PLASTIC
The Development of a Low-Energy Compton Imager for GRB Polarization Studies
The Effect of Heavy Ions on Magnetopause Reconnection
The Ion Strahl and Its Contribution to Solar- Wind Energization in Different Types of Solar Wind Near the Sun
The Radial Expansion of Coronal Mass Ejections: Combined Views from Remote and In situ Observ.
The Ring Current Response to Solar and Interplanetary Structures and the Corresponding Radiation Belt Variability
The Role of Heavy Ion Outflow in Driving Sawtooth Oscillations
The Role of the Plasma Sheet in the Geomagnetic Storms
The Transport and Loss of the Inner Magnetosphere Ion Populations
The role of O+ on reconnection onset in the Earth's magnetotail
Thermal Upwelling of Neutral Particles at High Latitudes
Time Course of Vision Changes During Long-Term Ecposure to Microgravity
Tracking Dissolved Organic Carbon and its Absorbtion Characteristics along the Aquatic Continuum over Time using a Remote Sensing Based Approach
Transport of Energetic Ions During Geomagnetic Storms
Transport of Energetic Ions During Geomagnetic Storms
Tropical Moist Forest Structure and Biomass Estimation from Bistatic InSAR at X-band (TanDEM-X), Small and Large-Spot Lidar, and Field Measurements
Turbulence and Kinetic Plasma Physics in the Solar Wind
Turbulent MHD Cascade in the Solar Wind: The Interconnection of Energy Input, Spectra, Third Moment, and Heating
ULYSSES Guest Investigator
US Contributions for the THOR Mission: Phase A Proposal for International Mission Participation
Understanding Ion Heating and Convection Using TWINS and SWMF
Understanding the Dynamics of the Outer Radiation Belts
Using Remote Sensing and Field Investigations of Suspended Sediments to Determine the Role of Re-suspension Events on Nutrient Dynamics and Phytoplankton Responses in Western Lake Erie
Using Ultra-high Resolution QuikSCAT Data to Prepare for Future Scatterometet Missions
Using modeling and data assimilation for the definition of global snow characterization requirements
Validating, Scaling & Parameterizing Forest Regrowth Model
Voyager MAG Observations at Kinetic Scales: Pickup Ion Waves and Turbulence from 1 to 35 AU
Wave-Particle Simulations
Work on Geostationary Ocean Color Analysis with GOCI
dbprocessing: Space Science Data Processing Controller in Python
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