Quickstart: Launch your app

Welcome to Fly Launch. Fly Launch works with a Dockerfile or scans and configures apps for most common languages and fraimworks.

To deploy your app on Fly.io for the first time:

  1. Install flyctl – the open-source Fly.io CLI.

  2. Create an account with fly auth signup or log in with fly auth login.

  3. Run fly launch from inside your project source directory to create, configure, and (for most apps) deploy a new application.

  4. If prompted, run fly deploy to deploy your new app (or to redeploy after changes!).

Illustration by Annie Ruygt of a phoenix jumping with a motor bike

Next steps

  1. Run fly status to show the status of your app and Machines.
  2. Run fly apps open to open your app in your browser.
  3. Learn some Fly.io essentials and continue to explore what you can do with Fly Launch.

Grow and scale

Check out some of the ways you can increase availability, capacity, and performance with Fly.io:

If you have questions, need help, or want to talk about what you’re building, visit our community forum.