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Stop Plastic Pollution says Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji
Polythene is harmful for environment as at the time of burning, it emits life threatening gases and pollutes the air.
Stop Plastic Pollution
Animals are dying need our simple life saving act, let's apply. Just stop usage polythene bags, so they won't tangle in the and die.
Say No to Polythene says Baba Ram Rahim Ji
Plastic is dangerous in every way as it is non-biodegradable and cause several problems in our life and harms animals also. So it is important to stop the use of plastic products. #SaintDrGurmeetRamRahimSinghJi Insan started numerous initiatives such as like #ByeByeEthene to stop the use of plastics & polythene & many other initiatives such as tree plantation, cleanliness campaigns, save water & electricity etc
Stop plastic pollution
Stop plastic pollution
Unveiling the Impact: Millions of Plastic Bags in Landfills & Oceans Each Year
Each year, millions of plastic bags find their way into our landfills, and oceans, and pose a significant threat to wildlife. It's high time we make a change! Enter bio-compostable bags - a sustainable alternative designed to combat the harmful effects of plastic pollution.
Premium Vector | Use environment friendly bag Say no to plastic bags. bag stop plastic pollution.
Use environment friendly bag say no to p... | Premium Vector #Freepik #vector #no-littering #recycle #plastic-recycling #litter