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Open Hand Tarot Spread From Heart & Hands Tarot by Liz Blackbird 1. Self: The role you play in the situation. 2. Cross: The question you seek to answer. (This card is upright when top falls to the right) 3. Head: What you think about the situation. 4. Heart: Your hopes, dreams or desires. 5. Bone: Your fears or anxieties. 6. Limb: The most likely OR best possible outcome OR where you should direct your energies to satisfy card 4. 7. Hand: Next steps to bring about the outcome in card 6. If ...
The Four Suits of Minor Arcana Meanings
Tarot is a form of divination that uses a deck of 78 cards, each with unique imagery, symbolism, and meanings. It is often used for gaining insights, guidance, and self-reflection. The deck is divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The four suits of the Minor Arcana represent different areas of life, each associated with an element and specific themes.
15 Fun Tarot Spreads For Beginners - Clementine Bay
15 Fun Tarot Spreads For Beginners - Clementine Bay
Meanings Behind The Tarot Number Cards
While the numbers of the cards in a Tarot reading are just one piece of the message, don’t disregard them. Tarot and numerology go hand in hand, and if multiple instances of the same number appear in a single reading, the cards may be trying to send you a message. Every part of a Tarot card is important, and everything that a number represents carries weight. When you ask the Universe for answers, you’ll get them.
The 5 Best Tarot Reading Books for Advanced Tarot Readers
If you’ve been reading tarot for a while and are ready to deepen your practice, diving into more advanced literature is a great way to enhance your understanding of the cards. While there are countless books for beginners, seasoned tarot readers may seek resources that offer complex insights, fresh interpretations, or unique methods of working with the cards. Here are five of the best tarot reading books for advanced practitioners:
The Magician Tarot card journal page
A hand drawn and written journal page describing and displaying the interpretations of The Magician Tarot card.
Quick Guide For Learning Tarot Numerology Meanings
Each digit possess its own personality, it’s own strengths and weaknesses. A unique set of traits that set each apart from the others. They each contribute some unique, bring something highly individualistic to the table. A quick-glance guide for the beautiful practice of numerology, to help to incorporate this into your tarot and divination practice.
Two Paths Tarot Reading: Weighing Two Options
This reading illuminates two possible future pathways from now through the next phase of your journey. You'll have a better idea of what to expect from either choice, and how various energies will interplay with yours. The insights that come through from the cards may include actionable steps for you to take, it is up to you how you decide to proceed.
What Are The Four Suits In Tarot Deck?
There are four suits in Tarot. If you play cards with an ordinary 52-card deck, you're familiar with them already, even if you don't realize it. In a 52-card deck, you have spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds. In a Tarot deck, you have swords, cups, wands, and coins. Every suit represents a different set of ideas or values.