Glue Book PagesGlue Book JournalsGlue Books IdeasHosting ActivitiesGlue JournalNotebook CollageSmash BoardGlue BooksBooks IdeasBig Random Glue Book🎉Big Random Glue Book! So fun!!109
Glue BooksSmash JournalRound RobinCollage BookGlue BookMixed Media JournalColor ChallengeJunk ArtVintage Junk JournalA Glue Book of Collaged ScrapsHi there. Can you tell by my title that I don't know what to call my little project? ;) Warning: I am about to ramble (I believe in the UK it's "waffle.") There is more glued collage scrap art at the end. Scroll down now if you wish. Now back to the full-length program..... Do you have one of these? Or maybe even one of these little miniature ones? Yep, me too. In fact, I have, ummmmm, several. So I got myself one of these on Etsy: It's a grand little vintage train case, complete with satin…1.4k
Glue Books IdeasJournals DiyGlue BooksHandmade Journals DiyKeep To MyselfCollage ScrapbookJournal ProjectSmash BooksKitty ImagesHow to start your own En Masse Glue Book - iHannas BlogAn En Masse Glue Book is a collection of images cut out on different themes. It is super easy to start one, and very satisfying. I'll show you how to get started here.14
Glue Book JournalsGlue Books CollageGlue Books IdeasGluebook IdeasTherapeutic JournalingJournal TutorialsGlue BooksVision 2024Mixed Media Art TechniquesVisionary GluebookOver the years, my creative practices become simpler and simpler - sometimes to the point of sometimes just picking one image from a magazine a day, and meditating upon what it means to me. The Simplicity of Gluebooks Have you heard of gluebooks? I have been making gluebooks for over...32
Book Arts IdeasEphemera Journal IdeasSketchbook MakingScrapbook Art IdeasCollage Paper Art IdeasArt Journal Inspiration Ideas CreativeMagazine Journal IdeasMagazine DecoupageGluebooks IdeasHow To Make An Amazing Glue Book JournalToday we are going to talk about what a glue book is as an art journal, how it differs from magazine collage and the tips and ideas I have for making amazing pictures in your glue book!690
Gluebooks IdeasGluebook PagesCollage How ToGlue Book JournalsGlue Books CollageGlue Books IdeasGluebook IdeasHow To Make GlueScrapbook BackgroundsGluebooks explainedWhat's a gluebook, how to make one, and why you should give it a try!89
Glue Book PagesGlue Books IdeasNewspaper VintageScrap PageScrapbook ExamplesGlue BooksPostcard PaperArt Therapy ProjectsCollage BookRomance Themed Glue Book Page #1Explore Donetta's Beaded Treasures' 3757 photos on Flickr!481
Smash Book InspirationGlue BooksJournal TechniquesJournaling TipsBullet Journal For BeginnersMixed Media Art TutorialsArt Journal PromptsArt Therapy ProjectsSmash JournalHow to Make a Glue Book {And Flip-Through Video}Learn what a glue book is, why use one and how to a glue book using nothing more than a composition notebook, glue stick and paper ephemera.298
How To Make A Folder With PaperBook For 13+How To Make Folders Out Of PaperHow To Make Booklets IdeasAccordian Books DiyPaper Folders IdeasHow To Make A Paper BookHow To Make A Book Out Of PaperDiy Book IdeasHow To Make A Folder With Paper136
Happy JournalMini JournalsGlue BooksCollage JournalArt Therapy ProjectsCollage BookCommonplace BookSketch BooksAltered Book ArtGlue Book on the GoWell, I am not getting into my craft room nearly as much as I would like, and when I'm in there, I'm cleaning! Luckily, I still have my vintage train trunk full of scraps that I take with me in the car. I tend to work with nature themes a lot, and so the next few pages I decided to try to combine a bunch of this sort of image. For this layout, I also happened upon a few scraps that fit together beautifully - completely serendipitously. It's so fun when you find the perfect combination in…214