Swamp PlantsCarboniferous PeriodPaleozoic EraPrehistoric WildlifePrehistoric WorldAncient AnimalsPaleo ArtScience PhotosFlying InsectsSwamp PlantsPeríodo Carbonifero284
Prehistoric InsectsGiant DragonflyCarboniferous PeriodPaleozoic EraDinosaur IslandWalking With DinosaursLiving FossilPre HistoryPrehistoric WildlifePrehistoric InsectsArt illustration - Prehistoric Insects - Meganeura: ( "large nerves") is an extinct genus of insects protodonatos Meganeuridae family. Among its species is Meganeura monyi, a kindred with current dragonflies insect, who lived in the Carboniferous period (300 Ma ago). With a wingspan of over 75 cm, it is the largest known species of insects that ever existed on Earth.183
Prehistoric WildlifeAncient AnimalsPrehistoric ArtPaleo ArtFantasy BeastsAlien Concept ArtExtinct AnimalsCreature DrawingsMonster Concept ArtAnurognathus ammoni by SerpenIllus | RedbubbleThe small and odd-looking pterosaur Anurognathus ammoni1.9k
Tully MonsterBug PicturesPrehistoric InsectsBizarre AnimalsSpeculative BiologyZoo TycoonPrehistoric WildlifeTerracotta WarriorsDinosaur ImagesTully Monster276
Sea ScorpionPrehistoric InsectsDevonian PeriodPaleozoic EraPrehistoric WildlifeTerracotta WarriorsAncient AnimalsPaleo ArtExtinct AnimalsPterygotus by Olorotitan on DeviantArt24
Prehistoric InsectsExtinct PlantsEnergy ScienceDead AnimalsPrehistoric WildlifeSpeculative EvolutionDinosaur FossilGiant SpiderStrange HistoryPrehistoric SpidersFossils and discovery of prehistoric spiders can provide information about the time and place they lived in. But what do prehistoric spiders look like? Are there any prehistoric spiders alive today?32
Giant CentipedePrehistoric InsectsCarboniferous PeriodJames And Giant PeachWalking With DinosaursDinosaur WallpaperPrehistoric WorldPrehistoric ArtHistory ArchitectureArthropleuraLe Teeri72
History Of EarthStrange BeastsPrehistoric WildlifeBio ArtAncient AnimalsPaleo ArtDinosaur ArtPrehistoric CreaturesPrehistoric AnimalsHistory Of Earthhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoKvzhAXMAMqP3r?format=jpg&name=4096x4096147
Prehistoric InsectsMillipedesCentipedesCool BugsAncient AnimalsExtinct AnimalsArthropodsDinosaur ArtPrehistoric CreaturesPrehistoric Insects44
Animal PhysiologyPrehistoric InsectsScp MonstersAnimal BiologyInsect DrawingAnt SpeciesPrehistoric Animals DinosaursBiology TeacherAquatic AnimalsNew Cretaceous fossils shed light on the early evolution of antsAnts comprise one lineage of the triumvirate of eusocial insects and experienced their early diversification within the Cretaceous. The success of ants is generally attributed to their remarkable social behavior. Recent studies suggest that the early branching lineages of extant ants formed small colonies of either subterranean or epigeic, solitary specialist predators.3