Vision Board

What is important to me in my life and the future that I see for myself. The things that I value you most: love, family, friends, yoga, health, happiness, making a difference, photography, travelling, and having fun.
31 Pins
meghan currie
"If you do your best always, over and over again, you will become a master of transformation. practice makes the master. By doing your best you become a master." - Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
Home | bellamumma
Lead a balanced life. “The best regimen is to keep moving! Never stop working, travelling and seeking adventure. Drink plenty of water, limit alcohol and sugar and get to your yoga class!
Machu Picchu, Peru (2009) I will continue to travel and learn about the world - visiting one new country every year
Garden World Images
Your body is your home - treat it like a temple! I hope that 20 years from now I still maintain a vegetarian diet and a daily yoga practice
Photograph by me - April 2013 I will continue to develop my photography skills, capturing beautiful moments like this, so that one day I can call myself a professional photographer #family #portraits #spring
I will become a certified yoga teacher by July 1st, 2014
I will own a character house in Vancouver that is bright and has lots of natural light by September 1st, 2021
Vancouver Sun
Home: I have been across the world and back, but I've gotta say that Vancouver is the best place in world to live. #vancouver #gratitude
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I will have a career that lets me work collaboratively with others to make the world a better place