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Everything You Need to Teach Literary Criticism
While I love to teach literary criticism, it's not everyone's cup of tea. For this reason, I wanted to put together a "starter pack" to help everyone teach literary criticism. As a student, I didn't learn about literary criticism until college, but there are plenty of reasons to consider introducing lit crit in high school. First, literary criticism requires creative and innovative thinking, so students feel challenged and engaged. Literary criticism encourages empathy and perspective-taking.
20 Books that Surprised Me
Like many language arts teachers, I read a lot. I can spot a red herring from page one, and I know that when a gun appears in Act I, it has to go off in Act II. However, these books surprised me! Some of these titles threw curve balls I did not expect while others failed to meet my expectations. Not all of these books are recent, and some of them I read for the first time years ago. However, each one provided a unique and unexpected reading experience!
4 Ways to Add Writing to Your Drama Unit
My units on Julius Caesar unit and The Crucible are two highlights of the year! Each class brings its own unique perspectives and insights to each drama and its characters. While I love teaching each drama unit, sometimes it's tricky to incorporate writing in a reading-heavy unit. However, ELA requires that students be constantly engaged in writing in some form. Because I know how hard it can be to find the right moments to incorporate writing, I put together this list of suggestions!
8 Little Changes that Transformed My Classroom
If a lesson flops or a unit feels sluggish, my first instinct is often to overhaul the entire thing. Sometimes that's the right choice: lessons fail sometimes. Sometimes, though, big change is not the right choice. Sometimes all you need is an adjustment. Tweak this. Trim that. In the long run, little changes are an important part of continuing to grow as a teacher. Little changes are often more sustainable and manageable. Here are 8 little changes that transformed my classroom!
World Literature Lesson Plans
When I started teaching World Literature a few years ago, I had a hard time finding a credible collection of resources that covered literature from a global perspective. Oftentimes, I would find information about Greek mythology and European literature but not enough literature from non-Western cultures. That's why I started this collection of poems, short stories, and lesson plans. Exposing students to world literature is part of unpacking privilege and teaching for social justice. #iteachela
2 Truths to Make Life Easier as a New Teacher
My department has a number of new faces this year. As I was thinking about what I wanted to tell them, I thought: what advice to I wish I'd heard as a new teacher? While there are lots of things I want to share with new teachers, two tough truths summarize everything. These are the truths I wish someone had shared with me as a new teacher. (Admittedly, I'm pretty stubborn, and it's possible that I would have ignored them, but these truths would have been nice to hear all the same.)
Everything You Need for Teaching During National Poetry Month
It's no secret that I love teaching poetry, so I always get excited for National Poetry Month! To help you get ready for National Poetry Month, I've put together all my best ideas, lesson plans, and inspiration for teaching poetry! Everything you need for a successful April of poetry instruction is all in one place.
How to Incorporate Movement in High School Language Arts
Incorporating movement is an important part of developing engaging instruction. With meaningful, deliberate, and structured movement, students can benefit from spatial recall, collaboration, and development of their speaking and listening skills. Some of my favorite opportunities for meaningful motion in the classroom are essential to student engagement, to pairing movement with content, and to developing classroom community. With these strategies, teachers will have creative, fun lessons!
How to Add Value to Your Classroom with Metacognition / Moore English
Research suggests that metacognition, or thinking about thinking, can empower students. And this helps students know themselves as learners and thinkers. So today I wanted to share opportunities for including metacognitive thinking in your classroom. Metacognition can be part of formative assessment, summative assessment, and professional development at all levels--elementary, secondary, and middle.
How to Use Stations for Literary Analysis
Literary analysis writing is one of the cornerstones of language arts. To help students prepare for literary analysis, I use this set of stations. These stations feature story elements, summarizing, silent discussion, and writing conferences. With stations, students have a chance to work collaboratively, even in a distance learning or blended learning situation. Stations also allow students to build community and learn from one another. Using stations also brings movement to the classroom
Teaching Dramatic Writing: The Elective Series Continues
Today on the show we’re hearing from Valerie Boehm, who teaches a Dramatic Writing elective in Georgia as part of the state’s initiative to help more students find their way to good jobs in the film industry. Whether you’re considering a new elective proposal or a new unit in one of your current courses, Valerie helps students understand what goes into a successful piece of dramatic writing, the ten minute play competition her students participate in, and her popular personal logo project.
5 Ways to Hold Students Accountable for Independent Reading
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students start with 10ish minutes of silent reading time. Students choose independent reading books from the library. Each year, my team has a discussion about how to hold students accountable for independent reading. Over the years, I've tried lots of different methods for holding students accountable and for limiting the amount of sleeping and fake reading. Some of my favorite methods include writing to respond, literary analysis stations, and presentations!