Running Goals
Tri's, Dual's, 5k's, 10k's n Half~Marathon....I want to do them ALL..8o)~
Personal Goals 2013: {Start}13 mi/ml/40mi/5k {End} 11:17 mi/ml/30mi/5k
61 Pins
Lansing Brewing Company Brew Run
Looking to spice up your running or walking in 2016? Join us for the monthly Lansing Brewing Company Brew Run & Walk series! Playmakers, Michigan Fitness Foundation, and the Gillespie Group are teaming up to provide a monthly Fun Run and Walk in downtown Lansing. The monthly event will start and finish from the Lansing Brewing Company and participants will be able to win raffle prizes, earn free swag for attending, and enjoy a night at their new favorite watering hole. C...