Running Goals

Tri's, Dual's, 5k's, 10k's n Half~Marathon....I want to do them ALL..8o)~ Personal Goals 2013: {Start}13 mi/ml/40mi/5k {End} 11:17 mi/ml/30mi/5k
61 Pins
Free 8k Training Plans - Coach Jenny Hadfield
Choose from five different 8K training plans and learn how to calculate the right plan for you - Plans = Walk, Run-Walk, Beginner, Inter., Advanced Levels.
Sunday Can't Be Slackday
Hal Higdon's 8-K Training Guide - Novice/Beginners {Fit, Fat...and Back Again}
Combo Workout: Quick Cardio and Kickass Abs
boo-tay tredmill workout. @Stephanie Close Close Francis Vrieze will you do this with me tonight!?
Great treadmill routine for BEGINNERS. Get back on track with this workout designed specifically for people who need a point to start at !
Trainer Tuesday: Walk It Off Treadmill Workout(s)
Walk It Off Treadmill Workout [Beginner Level] via My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries
Lansing Brewing Company Brew Run
Looking to spice up your running or walking in 2016? Join us for the monthly Lansing Brewing Company Brew Run & Walk series! Playmakers, Michigan Fitness Foundation, and the Gillespie Group are teaming up to provide a monthly Fun Run and Walk in downtown Lansing. The monthly event will start and finish from the Lansing Brewing Company and participants will be able to win raffle prizes, earn free swag for attending, and enjoy a night at their new favorite watering hole. C...
How to Simply Walk to Mordor (Calorie Calculator) | Nerd Fitness
A Hobbit’s Guide to Walking- Walk to Mordor Fitness Challege. Goal to Walk 1779 miles. That's an average of 3 miles per day over a period of 20 weeks. Wonder how quickly I can run to Mordor?
Knee Strength Workout
Knee Strength Workout....Use these seven exercises to strengthen your hips and bring relief to your knees. Useful tips for runners.
5k2 pink Sticker (Rectangle) 3.1 Run Sticker (Rectangle) | CafePress
3.1 Run Decal on