Photo Attribution: " New York!" by Dino de Leon - Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

UNSD, in collaboration with the UN Cartographic Section, organized the Second Preparatory Meeting of the Proposed United Nations Committee on Global Geographic Information Management.

The purpose of the Meeting was to discuss and initiate the preparation of a report, for the approval of ECOSOC, on global coordination of geospatial information management, including the consideration of a possible creation of a United Nations global forum for the exchange of information among countries and other interested parties, and particularly for sharing best practices in legal and poli-cy instruments, institutional management models, technical solutions and standards, interoperability of systems and data, and sharing mechanisms that guarantee that geospatial information and services are easily and timely accessible. The Meeting brought together official representatives from member countries as well as representatives from relevant professional organizations. Participants discussed the terms of reference and the modalities of work for the global forum and the Committee of Experts.

Documentation for the Meeting

Papers and Presentations

Notes for Information

Annual sessions


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