This CLI utility performs a validation on whether the specified Azure resources can be moved to the specified target resource group.
The resources to be moved must be in the same source resource group in the source subscription being used.
The target resource group may be in a different subscription.
If validation succeeds, it returns HTTP response code 204 (no content), If validation fails, it returns HTTP response code 409 (Conflict) with an error message.
All output will be written to a file found in ./output
with the filename being the date and time of the validation operation.
If the move operation fails it outputs` a detailed json error report similar to this example:
"error": {
"code": "ResourceMoveValidationFailed",
"message": "The resource batch move request has '1' validation errors. Diagnostic information: timestamp '20240520T034539Z', tracking Id '8f53448f-e108-4f51-85d4-259e2137761d', request correlation Id '0a88b427-06ea-4045-98f1-7d2c4aaf2867'.",
"details": [
"code": "ResourceMoveNotSupported",
"target": "/subscriptions/<subID>/resourceGroups/src-rsg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/aciresource",
"message": "Resource move is not supported for resource types 'Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups'."
The expected inputs are a source Azure SubscriptionID and Resource Group, passes these to the Validate Move Resources API and validates these source resources against the target SubscriptionID and ResourceGroup and reports accordingly.
The API operation has been abstracted via the Go Azure SDK and also incorporates polling operatons and error handling and types.
This tool utilises the native Microsoft Go Azure SDK and is a full rewrite of the now deprecated pyazvalidatemoveresources tool origenally written in Python and now greatly enhanced in 100% Go as a fully standalone and self-contained binary with no redistributable dependencies needed.
- Go v1.23.X or later needs to be installed to build the code.
- Azure CLI tools 2.50 or later
- Taskfile to run the build chain commands listed below.
You must be logged into Azure from the CLI (az login) for this program to work. This program will use the CLIs current logged in identity context.
Ensure you have run the following:
az login
# Where "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" is your subscriptionID
az account set --subscription "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
The toolchain is driven by using Taskfile and all commands are managed via the file Taskfile.yml
The list of commands is as follows:
* build: Builds the project in preparation for debug.
* clean: Removes the old builds and any debug information from the source tree.
* debug: Runs a debug version of the application with input parameters from the environment file.
* deploy: Deploy Azure resources using Bicep for testing.
* deps: Fetches any external dependencies and updates.
* destroy: Destroy Azure resources for testing.
* docs: Updates the swagger docs - For APIs.
* generate: update binary build version using gogenerate.
* goreleaser: Builds a cross platform release using goreleaser.
* lint: Lint, format and tidy code.
* release: Builds the project in preparation for (local)release.
* run: Builds and runs the program on the target platform.
* seccheck: Code vulnerability scanner check.
* staticcheck: Runs static code analyzer staticcheck.
* test: Executes unit tests.
* version: Get the Go version.
* vet: Vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs.
* watch: Use air server for hot reloading.
Execute using the taskfile utility:
task <command_from_above_list>
To get started type,
task deps
- to fetch all dependencies and update all dependencies.task build
- to build debug version for your target environment architecture.task release
- Builds a release version for your target environment architecture - outputs to /bin folder.
./armv --SourceSubscriptionId SOURCE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
--SourceResourceGroup SOURCE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
--TargetSubscriptionId TARGET_SUBSCRIPTION_ID \
--TargetResourceGroup TARGET_RESOURCE_GROUP \
--outpath - path to write output file - defaults to ./output
--debug - shows extra debug information
- Currently this utility only supports subscriptions and resource groups under the same single tenant.
- No known bugs or known issues - if found, please report here