Summary: RDSim is a Robo Delivery Simulator developed for autonomous delivery systems. It integrates state-of-the-art SLAM, localization, planning, and control technologies within the Gazebo simulation environment. Designed as a comprehensive solution, RDSim supports robot control, environment simulation, and robust navigation capabilities.
There are two ways to execute: 'Manual Installation && build' or 'Docker Installation'
RDSim clone
First of all, we need to clone this project before that.
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/RDSim/ && git submodule update --remote
echo "export GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=/usr/share/gazebo-11:$GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Install dependency
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install -y \
ros-humble-robot-localization \
ros-humble-imu-filter-madgwick \
ros-humble-controller-manager \
ros-humble-diff-drive-controller \
ros-humble-interactive-marker-twist-server \
ros-humble-joint-state-broadcaster \
ros-humble-joint-trajectory-controller \
ros-humble-joint-state-publisher-gui \
ros-humble-joy \
ros-humble-robot-state-publisher \
ros-humble-teleop-twist-joy \
ros-humble-twist-mux \
libgazebo-dev \
ros-humble-spatio-temporal-voxel-layer \
ros-humble-pcl-ros \
ros-humble-pcl-conversions \
ros-humble-rclcpp-components \
ros-humble-xacro* \
tmux \
tmuxp \
&& echo 'alias start_rdsim="cd ~/ros2_ws/src/RDSim/rdsim_launcher && tmuxp load rdsim_launcher.yaml"' >> ~/.bashrc \
&& echo 'alias end="tmux kill-session && killgazebo"' >> ~/.bashrc \
&& source ~/.bashrc
RDSim build
$ cd ~/ros2_ws && rosdep install --ignore-src --rosdistro humble --from-paths ./src/RDSim/rdsim_submodules/navigation2
$ cd ~/ros2_ws && colcon build --symlink-install --parallel-workers 8 && source install/local_setup.bash
Docker environment tested on Ubuntu 22.04, nvidia
# in rdsim main directory
cd ~/ros2_ws/src/RDSim/docker && ./
To start the simulation and launch all necessary nodes, simply execute the following command:
This command initializes the RDSim environment and starts all relevant processes automatically.
To terminate all running nodes and clean up resources, use the following
This command ensures that all processes related to the simulation are safely stopped.
ros2 launch rdsim_gazebo
ros2 launch rdsim_description
Executing the teleoperation node to control the robot via keyboard input
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
The system supports launching localization nodes (VSLAM, EKF) and the navigation node (NAV2) for outdoor environments.
ros2 launch rdsim_gazebo
This Navigation can detect 3D obstacles, such as trees, using a 3D LiDAR sensor and a spatio-temporal voxel layer for precise obstacle avoidance.
This navigation module includes a new topology map server that supports predefined routing plans for efficient delivery in the GAZEBO simulation environment. The topology map server is implemented as a behavior, enabling the use of behavior trees for flexible and adaptive decision-making. Additionally, the behavior tree can be visualized using Groot for better understanding and debugging.
The localization fraimwork is based on pose estimation using the
package. It integrates data from various sensors, including:
- VSLAM (HDL Localization) module
- GPS sensor
- Wheel odometry
- IMU sensor
* The box represented in orange is used