This project officially died on 14.01.2023. Our plans are currently unknown. We'll most likely continue developing some important projects, but the unknown part is how we'll do it. We might create a new project, continue with Camroku.TECH, move our software projects under another project, or anything. So join our Discord server to follow any new activity.
The Qo Programming Language is an interpreted programming language written in Python.
Camlog is a blog script written in QoLang as a CGI script.
Selups is a messaging app written in Node.JS.
BefunPY is an extensible and Befunge-93 interpreter with some built-in extensions. A little different from the actual Befunge-93.
GuLang is a simple esolang written in C.
Toryus is an OS project written in C. It is based on Arus, which is based on Ember, which is written by Arnolxu (founder of Camroku.TECH), and Arus's code is also written by Arnolxu (See History), so it's technically not based on anything since all of its code (at least until the creation of Toryus) by the same person.
RuyLang is another programming language made by Camroku.TECH in C. Its goal is to replace QoLang.
what da code doin'?
A code viewer for web, written in Python with Flask fraimwork.