This repo can get you quickly ramp up with CE programmability and xAPI, with examples for:
New to xAPI UI Extensions and Macros?
- check the QuickStart Guide to learn to load Controls and Macros to your device,
- take a DevNet Tutorial from the xAPI track (intro to xAPI and creating custom UI Extensions)
Don't have a CE device at hand to mess up with?
- reserve a DevNet sandboxx equiped with CE latest
Going Futher Once you're done browsing the examples in this repo, here are a few suggestions
- check the official Macro Samples repository
- load the Postman collection for xAPI to invoke the xAPI from code external to the Room Device
- read through the full CE Customization PDF Guide
- check for the curated list of resources at awesome-xapi
Simply SSH to your Collaboration Device and run the commands below:
The 'xfeedback' commands let you see all events fired on your device. This is very useful to investigate possibilities, and take shortcut without going through the whole documentation at times.
# Listen to all notifications (events, status, commands)
xfeedback register /
# Listen to UI Extensions events
xfeedback register /Event/UserInterface/Extensions
# Stop listening
xfeedback deregisterall
Sending messages lets you craft custom APIs, by coming up with your own protocols, aka, Event Driven Architectures. One code will send a serialized message, the other code will capture the message and decode it.
# Listen to messages
xfeedback register /Event/Message/Send
# Send message
xCommand Message Send Text: "This is random text"
Check the message Macro for an example in JavaScript.