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BE GitHub - CosmicMind/entid: An entity id generator and validator for Rust models.
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An entity id generator and validator for Rust models.


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A Rust library for generating and validating type-safe, prefixed entity identifiers based on UUIDs and ULIDs. Documentation License: MIT


  • Type-safe entity IDs: Create distinct ID types for different entities
  • Multiple identifier formats: Support for both UUID and ULID
  • Prefix support: Automatically add entity-specific prefixes to IDs
  • Performance optimized: Thread-safe caching of string representations
  • Serde compatible: Seamless serialization and deserialization
  • Comprehensive error handling: Clear error types for all operations
  • Zero-cost abstractions: Minimal runtime overhead
  • Derive macro for implementing the Prefix trait: Optional


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

entid = "0.4.3"

To use the derive macro for implementing the Prefix trait, enable the derive feature:

entid = { version = "0.4.3", features = ["derive"] }

API Overview

The EntityId type provides several methods for working with entity IDs:

type UserId = UuidEntityId::<User>;

// Create a new EntityId
let user_id = UserId::generate();

// Get the full ID string with prefix (e.g., "user_123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000")
let full_id = user_id.as_str();

// Get just the identifier part without the prefix (e.g., "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000")
let raw_id = user_id.id_str();

// Get a reference to the underlying identifier object
let identifier = user_id.identifier();

// Get the identifier string directly from the identifier
let id_str = user_id.identifier().as_str();

// Get the prefix for this entity type
let prefix = UserId::prefix(); // "user"

// Get the delimiter for this entity type
let delimiter = UserId::delimiter(); // "_"

// For ULID-based IDs, get the timestamp
if let Some(timestamp_ms) = ulid_id.timestamp_ms() {
    println!("ID created at: {} ms since epoch", timestamp_ms);

Flexible Creation Methods

The library provides multiple ways to create entity IDs:

use entid::{EntityId, Identifier, Prefix, UuidEntityId, UlidEntityId, Uuid, Ulid};

type UserId = UuidEntityId::<User>;

// Using the generate method
let user_id1 = UserId::generate();

// Using the new method with flexible string types (with prefix)
let id_str = "user_123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000";
let user_id2 = UserId::new(id_str).unwrap();
let user_id3 = UserId::new(id_str.to_string()).unwrap();

// Using from_raw_str to parse a raw identifier string (without prefix)
let raw_uuid = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000";
let user_id4 = UserId::from_raw_str(raw_uuid).unwrap();

// Using parse_raw_str with custom error handling
let user_id5 = UserId::parse_raw_str(raw_uuid, |e| format!("Invalid UUID: {}", e)).unwrap();

// Using TryFrom trait
let user_id6 = UserId::try_from(id_str).unwrap();
let user_id7 = UserId::try_from(id_str.to_string()).unwrap();

// Using FromStr trait
let user_id8 = id_str.parse::<UserId>().unwrap();

// Using convenience methods
let uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
let user_id9 = UserId::with_uuid(uuid);
let user_id10 = UserId::new_v4();
let user_id11 = UserId::new_v5(&Uuid::NAMESPACE_DNS, "");

// Using the builder pattern
let user_id12 = UserId::builder().build();
let user_id13 = UserId::builder().with_uuid(uuid).build();
let user_id14 = UserId::builder().with_uuid_v4().build();
let user_id15 = UserId::builder().with_uuid_v5(&Uuid::NAMESPACE_DNS, "").build();

// For ULID-based IDs
type PostId = UlidEntityId::<Post>;

let ulid = Ulid::new();
let post_id1 = PostId::with_ulid(ulid);
let post_id2 = PostId::with_timestamp(1625097600000); // July 1, 2021
let post_id3 = PostId::monotonic_from(Some(&post_id2));

// Using the builder pattern for ULID
let post_id4 = PostId::builder().with_ulid(ulid).build();
let post_id5 = PostId::builder().with_timestamp(1625097600000).build();
let post_id6 = PostId::builder().with_monotonic_from(Some(&post_id5)).build();

Using EntityId in Collections

The EntityId type implements Borrow<str> and AsRef<str>, making it easy to use in collections:

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};

// Use EntityId as a key in a HashMap
let mut user_map = HashMap::new();
user_map.insert(user_id1, "John Doe");

// Look up by string
let user = user_map.get(id_str);

// Use EntityId in a HashSet
let mut user_set = HashSet::new();

// Check if a string is in the set
let contains = user_set.contains(id_str);


Basic Example with UUID

use entid::{EntityId, Prefix, UuidIdentifier, UuidEntityId};

type UserId = UuidEntityId::<User>;

// Define your entity types with custom prefixes
struct User;
impl Prefix for User {
    fn prefix() -> &'static str {

    fn delimiter() -> &'static str {

type PostId = EntityId::<Post, UuidIdentifier>;

struct Post;
impl Prefix for Post {
    fn prefix() -> &'static str {
    // Optional: Override the default delimiter
    fn delimiter() -> &'static str {

fn main() {
    // Generate random IDs with UUID
    let user_id = UserId::generate();
    let post_id = PostId::generate();
    // Print the IDs
    println!("User ID: {}", user_id); // e.g., "user_6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"
    println!("Post ID: {}", post_id); // e.g., "post-123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
    // Parse existing IDs
    let parsed_user_id = UserId::new("user_6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8").unwrap();
    // Type safety prevents mixing different entity IDs
    // This won't compile:
    // let wrong: UuidEntityId<Post> = user_id;

Using the Derive Macro

With the derive feature enabled, you can use the derive macro to implement the Prefix trait:

use entid::{Prefix, UuidEntityId, UlidEntityId};

type UserId = UuidEntityId::<User>;

#[entid(prefix = "user", delimiter = "_")]
struct User;

type PostId = UlidEntityId::<Post>;

#[entid(prefix = "post", delimiter = "-")]
struct Post;

type CommentId = UuidEntityId::<Comment>;

// The delimiter is optional and defaults to "_"
#[entid(prefix = "comment")]
struct Comment;

fn main() {
    let user_id = UserId::generate();
    println!("User ID: {}", user_id); // e.g., "user_6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"
    let post_id = PostId::generate();
    println!("Post ID: {}", post_id); // e.g., "post-01H1VECZJYJ1QV2V0D0000JJDX"
    let comment_id = CommentId::generate();
    println!("Comment ID: {}", comment_id); // e.g., "comment_6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"

Using ULID Instead of UUID

use entid::{EntityId, Prefix, UlidIdentifier, UlidEntityId};

type ProductId = UlidEntityId::<Product>;

struct Product;
impl Prefix for Product {
    fn prefix() -> &'static str {

fn main() {
    // Generate a ULID-based ID
    let product_id = ProductId::generate();
    // ULIDs are lexicographically sortable by creation time
    let product_ids: Vec<UProductId> = (0..10)
        .map(|_| ProductId::generate())
    // Sorting will order by creation time
    let mut sorted_ids = product_ids.clone();
    // Get the timestamp from a ULID (not available with UUID)
    if let Some(timestamp_ms) = product_id.timestamp_ms() {
        println!("Product ID created at: {} ms since epoch", timestamp_ms);

Using Deterministic UUIDs (v5)

use entid::{EntityId, Prefix, UuidIdentifier, Uuid};

type ApiKeyToken = EntityId::<ApiKey, UuidIdentifier>;

struct ApiKey;
impl Prefix for ApiKey {
    fn prefix() -> &'static str {

fn main() {
    // Create a namespace for your application
    let namespace = Uuid::parse_str("6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8").unwrap();
    // Create a UUID v5 identifier
    let uuid_id = UuidIdentifier::new_v5(&namespace, "");
    // Create an entity ID from the identifier
    let api_key = ApiKeyToken::from_identifier(uuid_id);
    // Same input produces the same ID
    let uuid_id2 = UuidIdentifier::new_v5(&namespace, "");
    let api_key2 = ApiKeyToken::from_identifier(uuid_id2);
    assert_eq!(api_key, api_key2);

Enhanced Error Handling

The library provides detailed error information and convenient methods for error handling:

use entid::{EntityId, EntityIdError, IdentifierError, Prefix, UuidEntityId};
use std::error::Error;

#[entid(prefix = "user")]
struct User;

type UserId = UuidEntityId<User>;

// Convert errors to strings
fn parse_user_id(input: &str) -> Result<UserId, String> {
    UserId::new(input).map_err(|e| e.to_string()) // Use Display trait

// Get the specific error type
fn handle_id_error(input: &str) -> Result<UserId, String> {
    match UserId::from_raw_str(input) {
        Ok(id) => Ok(id),
        Err(EntityIdError::InvalidIdentifier) => {
            // Try to parse as UUID to get more specific error
            match uuid::Uuid::parse_str(input) {
                Err(uuid_err) => Err(format!("Invalid UUID: {}", uuid_err)),
                _ => Err("Unknown identifier error".to_string()),
        Err(e) => Err(e.to_string()),

// Access the underlying error directly
fn process_with_detailed_errors<S: AsRef<str>>(input: S) -> Result<UserId, String> {
    UserId::from_raw_str(input.as_ref()).map_err(|e| {
        match e {
            EntityIdError::InvalidIdentifier => {
                // Try to parse directly to get the specific error
                match uuid::Uuid::parse_str(input.as_ref()) {
                    Err(uuid_err) => {
                        let id_err = IdentifierError::Uuid(uuid_err);
                        // Get the underlying UUID error
                        if let Some(uuid_err) = id_err.uuid_error() {
                            format!("UUID parsing failed: {}", uuid_err)
                        } else {
                            // Get the error message directly
                            format!("UUID parsing failed: {}", id_err.error_message())
                    _ => "Unknown identifier error".to_string(),
            _ => e.to_string(),

// Use the standard Error trait methods
fn log_error_details(err: &EntityIdError) {
    println!("Error: {}", err);
    if let Some(source) = err.source() {
        println!("Caused by: {}", source);

Error Handling

use entid::{EntityId, EntityIdError, IdentifierError, Prefix, UuidIdentifier};

type UserId = EntityId<User, UuidIdentifier>;

struct User;
impl Prefix for User {
    fn prefix() -> &'static str {

fn parse_id(input: &str) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Parse an entity ID string
    match UserId::new(input) {
        Ok(id) => {
            println!("Successfully parsed ID: {}", id);
        Err(EntityIdError::InvalidFormat) => {
            // Handle invalid format (missing prefix or delimiter)
            println!("Invalid ID format: {}", input);
        Err(EntityIdError::InvalidIdentifier) => {
            // Handle invalid identifier (not a valid UUID/ULID)
            println!("Invalid identifier part in ID: {}", input);

// Parse a raw identifier string
fn parse_raw_identifier(input: &str) -> Result<UuidIdentifier, IdentifierError> {

Using with Serde

use entid::{EntityId, Prefix, UlidIdentifier};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

struct Order;
impl Prefix for Order {
    fn prefix() -> &'static str {

type OrderId = EntityId<Order, UlidIdentifier>;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct OrderRecord {
    id: OrderId,
    customer_name: String,
    amount: f64,

fn main() {
    let order = OrderRecord {
        id: OrderId::generate(),
        customer_name: "John Doe".to_string(),
        amount: 123.45,
    // Serialize to JSON
    let json = serde_json::to_string(&order).unwrap();
    println!("JSON: {}", json);
    // Deserialize from JSON
    let deserialized: OrderRecord = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();

Enhanced Error Handling with String Conversions

The library provides convenient error handling with string conversions through AsRef<str> and Into<String> implementations:

use entid::{EntityId, Prefix, UlidIdentifier};

type TaskId = EntityId::<Task, UlidIdentifier>;

struct Task;
impl Prefix for Task {
    fn prefix() -> &'static str {

fn main() {
    // Create a ULID-based entity ID
    let task1 = TaskId::generate();
    // Create a monotonic ULID (ensures ordering even within the same millisecond)
    let ulid2 = UlidIdentifier::monotonic_from(Some(task1.identifier()));
    let task2 = TaskId::from_identifier(ulid2);
    // task2 is guaranteed to sort after task1
    assert!(task2 > task1);

Custom Validation

use entid::{EntityId, Prefix, UuidIdentifier};

type ApiKeyToken = EntityId<ApiKey, UuidIdentifier>;

struct ApiKey;
impl Prefix for ApiKey {
    fn prefix() -> &'static str {

// Extend EntityId with custom validation logic
impl ApiKeyToken {
    pub fn is_valid_for_environment(&self, env: &str) -> bool {
        // Custom validation logic based on the UUID version
        match env {
            "production" => self.identifier().version() == Some(uuid::Version::Sha1),
            _ => true,

Additional Conversion Methods

The library provides additional methods for converting between different representations:

use entid::{Prefix, UuidEntityId, UuidIdentifier};

#[entid(prefix = "user")]
struct User;

type UserId = UuidEntityId<User>;

// Generate a new ID
let user_id = UserId::generate();

// Convert to raw identifier string (without prefix)
let raw_string = user_id.to_raw_string();
assert_eq!(raw_string, user_id.id_str().to_string());

// Convert to the underlying identifier type
let uuid_identifier: UuidIdentifier = user_id.to_identifier();
assert_eq!(uuid_identifier, *user_id.identifier());

// Use with functions that accept string types
fn process_string(s: impl AsRef<str>) {
    println!("Processing: {}", s.as_ref());

// Works directly with EntityId thanks to AsRef<str>

Choosing Between UUID and ULID

UUID Advantages

  • Industry standard with wide adoption
  • Multiple versions for different use cases (v1, v3, v4, v5)
  • Well-supported in databases and other systems

ULID Advantages

  • Lexicographically sortable (sorts by creation time)
  • URL-safe (no special characters)
  • Shorter string representation (26 characters vs 36 for UUID)
  • Built-in timestamp component

Performance Considerations

  • String representations are cached using OnceLock for thread-safe lazy initialization
  • The EntityId type implements Hash, PartialEq, and Eq for efficient use in collections
  • Memory usage is optimized by using PhantomData for type parameters


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


An entity id generator and validator for Rust models.







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