Note: This sample may not work with the new Oculus Rift CV1. An update is coming soon.
This sample is designed to work with the ZED stereo camera only and requires the ZED SDK. For more information:
It demonstrates how to grab stereo images with the ZED SDK and display the results in a Oculus Rift headset.
- ZED SDK 0.9.2 or later
- Oculus PC Runtime 1.3.0 (This URL may change in near future)
- Oculus PC SDK 1.3.0
- OpenGL 3+
- GLEW 1.12.0
- SDL2 2.0.3
OpenGL GPU Interoperability
/!\ You must have NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit installed on your computer.
To enable Opengl GPU Interoperability (which increases performance):
- add the preprocessor definition OPENGL_GPU_INTEROP;
- link the CUDA library cudart_static.lib (commonly at "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\lib\x64\cudart_static.lib").
##Keyboard shortcuts
Main Hotkeys |
---------------------------------------- | 'q' : Exit the application | 'c' : Pause/Unpause the rendering | 'r' : Reset HIT to zero | 'Mouse wheel' : Increase/Decrease HIT |