This sample is designed to work with the ZED stereo camera only and requires the ZED SDK. For more information:
It demonstrates how to grab stereo images with the ZED SDK and display the results in a Oculus Rift headset.
- ZED SDK 0.9.2 or later
- Oculus PC Runtime 1.3.0 (This URL may change in near future)
- Oculus PC SDK 1.3.0
- OpenGL 3+
- GLEW 1.12.0
- SDL2 2.0.3
OpenGL GPU Interoperability
/!\ You must have NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit installed on your computer.
To enable Opengl GPU Interoperability (which increases performance):
- add the preprocessor definition OPENGL_GPU_INTEROP;
- link the CUDA library cudart_static.lib (commonly at "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\lib\x64\cudart_static.lib").
##Keyboard shortcuts
Main Hotkeys |
---------------------------------------- | 'q' : Exit the application | 'c' : Pause/Unpause the rendering | 'r' : Reset HIT to zero | 'Mouse wheel' : Increase/Decrease HIT |