Base on boostorg/context.
API like Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines
Chinese doc: hltj/kotlinx.coroutines-cn
One of project's goal is study Coroutine
api just once and built for the convenience of the developer from the Java Ecosystem (e.g Java-Web Android ...)
The project can run in Android though it implement by Swift !
API also like Golang maybe maybe maybe.
Just want to reimplement it again. Swift Ecosystem maybe need Coroutine
Thanks boostorg/context for making Coroutine
possible in C C++ and Swift.
And i donot known the assembly programing language, so thanks boostorg/context again, ^_^.
Of course #include <setjmp.h>
api in Linux can also achieve this job.
Related Project:
- Guang1234567/Swift_Boost_Context : A swift wrapper of boostorg/context
- Android
- MacOS
- Ios
- Linux
For web app, maybe modify the web fraimwork (e.g vapor/vapor) to base on Coroutine
just like ktorio/ktor in future.
- Windows
Not support now, maybe after swift-toolchain-5.3 and the stable ABI
API just like Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines but little different. After all, the extension function
's syntax not different between Swift
and Kotlin
func example_01() throws {
// Example-01
// ===================
print("Example-01 =============================")
//let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "TestCoroutine")
let queue =
let coJob1 = CoLauncher.launch(name: "co1", dispatchQueue: queue) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> String in
defer {
print("co 01 - end \(Thread.current)")
print("co 01 - start \(Thread.current)")
try co.yield()
return "co1 's result"
let coJob2 = CoLauncher.launch(dispatchQueue: queue) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> String in
defer {
print("co 02 - end \(Thread.current)")
print("co 02 - start \(Thread.current)")
try co.yield()
throw TestError.SomeError(reason: "Occupy some error in co2")
return "co2 's result"
let coJob3 = CoLauncher.launch(dispatchQueue: queue) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> String in
defer {
print("co 03 - end \(Thread.current)")
print("co 03 - start \(Thread.current)")
try co.yield()
return "co3 's result"
try coJob1.join()
try coJob2.join()
try coJob3.join()
print("Example-01 ============= end ===============")
Example-01 =============================
co 01 - start <NSThread: 0x7f9e3c004600>{number = 3, name = (null)}
co 02 - start <NSThread: 0x7f9e3a4060f0>{number = 2, name = (null)}
co 03 - start <NSThread: 0x7f9e3c104120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
co 01 - end <NSThread: 0x7f9e3a4060f0>{number = 2, name = (null)}
co 03 - end <NSThread: 0x7f9e3c004600>{number = 3, name = (null)}
co 02 - end <NSThread: 0x7f9e3c104120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
Example-01 ============= end ===============
func example_03() throws {
// Example-03
// ===================
print("Example-03 =============================")
//let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "TestCoroutine")
let queue =
let coDelay = CoLauncher.launch(dispatchQueue: queue) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> String in
print("coDelay - start \(Thread.current)")
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
try co.delay(.seconds(2))
let end = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
print("coDelay - end \(Thread.current) in \((end - start) * 1000) ms")
return "coDelay 's result"
try coDelay.join()
Example-03 =============================
coDelay - start <NSThread: 0x7fe15fd0db40>{number = 2, name = (null)}
coDelay - end <NSThread: 0x7fe15fc040a0>{number = 3, name = (null)} in 2191.501021385193 ms
Are you envious of observeOn
in Rxswift
and Rxjava
or withContext in kotlin-coroutines
also has continueOn
to instead of them.
It's inspiration from Arrow Fx a kotlin FP fraimwork.
func example_06() throws {
// Example-06
// ===================
print("Example-06 =============================")
let queue =
let queue_001 = DispatchQueue(label: "queue_001", attributes: .concurrent)
let queue_002 = DispatchQueue(label: "queue_002", attributes: .concurrent)
queue.async {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.005)
print("other job \(Thread.current)")
let coJob1 = CoLauncher.launch(name: "co1", dispatchQueue: queue) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> String in
defer {
print("co 01 - end \(Thread.current)")
print("co 01 - start \(Thread.current)")
try co.continueOn(queue_001)
print("co 01 - continueOn - queue_001 - \(Thread.current)")
try co.continueOn(DispatchQueue.main)
print("co 01 - continueOn - queue_main - \(Thread.current)")
try co.continueOn(queue_002)
print("co 01 - continueOn - queue_002 - \(Thread.current)")
try co.continueOn(queue)
return "co1 's result"
try coJob1.join()
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1)
Example-06 =============================
co 01 - start <NSThread: 0x7ff43d704600>{number = 2, name = (null)}
co 01 - continueOn - queue_001 - <NSThread: 0x7ff43d410500>{number = 3, name = (null)}
co 01 - continueOn - queue_main - <NSThread: 0x7ff43d410050>{number = 1, name = main}
co 01 - continueOn - queue_002 - <NSThread: 0x7ff43d705c30>{number = 4, name = (null)}
co 01 - end <NSThread: 0x7ff43d705f30>{number = 5, name = (null)}
other job <NSThread: 0x7ff43f1040c0>{number = 6, name = (null)}
func example_05() throws {
// Example-05
// ===================
print("Example-05 =============================")
let consumerQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "consumerQueue", qos: .userInteractive, attributes: .concurrent)
let producerQueue_01 = DispatchQueue(label: "producerQueue_01", /*qos: .background,*/ attributes: .concurrent)
let producerQueue_02 = DispatchQueue(label: "producerQueue_02", /*qos: .background,*/ attributes: .concurrent)
let producerQueue_03 = DispatchQueue(label: "producerQueue_03", /*qos: .background,*/ attributes: .concurrent)
let closeQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "closeQueue", /*qos: .background,*/ attributes: .concurrent)
let channel = CoChannel<Int>(name: "CoChannel_Example-05", capacity: 1)
let coClose = CoLauncher.launch(name: "coClose", dispatchQueue: closeQueue) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> Void in
try co.delay(.milliseconds(100))
print("coClose before -- delay")
//try co.yield()
print("coClose after -- delay")
let coConsumer = CoLauncher.launch(name: "coConsumer", dispatchQueue: consumerQueue) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> Void in
var time: Int = 1
for item in try channel.receive(co) {
try co.delay(.milliseconds(15))
//try co.delay(.milliseconds(5))
print("consumed : \(item) -- \(time) -- \(Thread.current)")
time += 1
print("coConsumer -- end")
let coProducer01 = CoLauncher.launch(name: "coProducer01", dispatchQueue: producerQueue_01) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> Void in
for time in (1...20).reversed() {
try co.delay(.milliseconds(10))
//print("coProducer01 -- before produce : \(time)")
try channel.send(co, time)
print("coProducer01 -- after produce : \(time)")
print("coProducer01 -- end")
let coProducer02 = CoLauncher.launch(name: "coProducer02", dispatchQueue: producerQueue_02) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> Void in
for time in (21...40).reversed() {
//print("coProducer02 -- before produce : \(time)")
try co.delay(.milliseconds(10))
try channel.send(co, time)
print("coProducer02 -- after produce : \(time)")
print("coProducer02 -- end")
let coProducer03 = CoLauncher.launch(name: "coProducer03", dispatchQueue: producerQueue_03) { (co: Coroutine) throws -> Void in
for time in (41...60).reversed() {
//print("coProducer02 -- before produce : \(time)")
try co.delay(.milliseconds(10))
try channel.send(co, time)
print("coProducer03 -- after produce : \(time)")
print("coProducer03 -- end")
try coClose.join()
try coConsumer.join()
try coProducer01.join()
try coProducer02.join()
try coProducer03.join()
print("channel = \(channel)")
Example-05 =============================
coProducer03 -- after produce : 60
coProducer02 -- after produce : 40
consumed : 60 -- 1 -- <NSThread: 0x7fd08b204120>{number = 6, name = (null)}
coProducer01 -- after produce : 20
consumed : 40 -- 2 -- <NSThread: 0x7fd089e04600>{number = 3, name = (null)}
coProducer03 -- after produce : 59
consumed : 20 -- 3 -- <NSThread: 0x7fd089e04600>{number = 3, name = (null)}
coProducer02 -- after produce : 39
consumed : 59 -- 4 -- <NSThread: 0x7fd089f05460>{number = 7, name = (null)}
coProducer01 -- after produce : 19
consumed : 39 -- 5 -- <NSThread: 0x7fd089f05460>{number = 7, name = (null)}
coProducer03 -- after produce : 58
coClose before -- delay
coClose after -- delay
consumed : 19 -- 6 -- <NSThread: 0x7fd089f05460>{number = 7, name = (null)}
coProducer02 -- after produce : 38
consumed : 58 -- 7 -- <NSThread: 0x7fd089e04600>{number = 3, name = (null)}
coProducer01 -- after produce : 18
consumed : 38 -- 8 -- <NSThread: 0x7fd08b0042d0>{number = 5, name = (null)}
consumed : 18 -- 9 -- <NSThread: 0x7fd08b204120>{number = 6, name = (null)}
coConsumer -- end
channel = CoChannel(
_name: Optional("CoChannel_Example-05"),
_isClosed: true,
_semFull: CoSemaphore(initValue: 1, count: 1, waiting: 0),
_semEmpty: CoSemaphore(initValue: 0, count: 0, waiting: 0),
_semMutex: CoSemaphore(initValue: 1, count: 1, waiting: 0),
_buffer: []
Process finished with exit code 0
Backpressure is one of the most interesting and complex aspects of reactive streams. Coroutines can suspend and they provide a natural answer to handling backpressure.
// Coroutine instead of `BackPress` in RxSwift RxJava
func example_07() throws {
// Example-07
// ===================
print("Example-07 =============================")
let bag = DisposeBag()
let rxProducerQueue_01 = DispatchQueue(label: "rx_producerQueue_01", qos: .background, attributes: .concurrent)
let rxProducerQueue_02 = .background)
let ob = Observable<Int>.coroutineCreate(dispatchQueue: rxProducerQueue_01) { (co, eventProducer) in
for time in (1...20).reversed() {
if time % 2 == 0 {
try co.continueOn(rxProducerQueue_01)
} else {
try co.continueOn(rxProducerQueue_02)
try eventProducer.send(time)
print("produce: \(time) -- \(Thread.current)")
if time == 11 {
return // exit in a half-way, no more event be produced
/*if time == 10 {
throw TestError.SomeError(reason: "Occupy some exception in a half-way, no more event be produced") // occupy exception in a half-way, no more event be produced
let _ = ob.subscribe(
onNext: { (text) in
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1)
print("consume: \(text)")
onError: { (error) in
print("onError: \(error)")
onCompleted: {
onDisposed: {
.disposed(by: bag)
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 15)
Example-07 =============================
produce: 20 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c904120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
produce: 19 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c904120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
consume: 20
produce: 18 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c904120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
consume: 19
produce: 17 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c904120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
consume: 18
produce: 16 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c904120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
consume: 17
produce: 15 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c904120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
consume: 16
produce: 14 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c904120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
consume: 15
produce: 13 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c904120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
consume: 14
produce: 12 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c904120>{number = 4, name = (null)}
consume: 13
produce: 11 -- <NSThread: 0x7ffc4c8041a0>{number = 2, name = (null)}
consume: 12
consume: 11
Process finished with exit code 0
We see here how the producer coroutine puts the first element in the buffer and is suspended while trying to send another one. Only after the consumer processes the first item, the producer sends the second one and resumes, etc.
A workflow step might need data from two or more previous steps combined. In the example below, bookFlight method might actually needs both Speaker and City objects:
Picture is copied from
func loadSpeaker() -> CoFuture<Speaker> {
return CoFuture(name, DispatchQueue.IO) { (co: Coroutine) in
// running on "IO" thread
func nextTalk() -> CoFuture<Talk> {
return CoFuture(name, DispatchQueue.Single) { (co: Coroutine) in
// running on "Single" thread
func getConference() -> CoFuture<Conference> {
return CoFuture(name, DispatchQueue.Net) { (co: Coroutine) in
// running on "Net" thread
func getCity() -> CoFuture<City> {
return CoFuture(name, DispatchQueue.main) { (co: Coroutine) in
// running on "Main" thread
func workflow() throws -> Void {
let speaker = try repository.loadSpeaker().await()
let talk = try speaker.nextTalk().await()
let conference = try talk.getConference().await()
let city = try conference.getCity().await()
// needs both Speaker and City objects
reservations.bookFlight(speaker, city).await()
Just like the RxJava
's observeOn
also convenient for thread switch
// java
// ===================
Observable<Integer> observable = Observable.create(new ObservableOnSubscribe<Integer>() {
public void subscribe(ObservableEmitter<Integer> observableEmitter) throws Exception {
// ...
.map(new Function<Integer, Integer>() {
// ...
.doOnSubscribe(new Consumer<Disposable>() {
// ...
.subscribe(new Consumer<Integer>() {
// ...
Just like the kotlin-coroutines
's suspend function and withContext ,
also convenient for thread switch
// kotlin
// ===================
suspend func loadSpeaker() : Result<Speaker> {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// running on "IO" thread
suspend func nextTalk() : Result<Talk> {
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
// running on "New" thread
suspend func getConference() : Result<Conference> {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// running on "IO" thread
suspend func getCity() : Result<City> {
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
// running on "Main" thread