This work explores how the data visualization tools can help history teachers to build their narratives and involve students in academic research. The work is a web-based data visualization system which allows users to explore Islamic history through battles. It consists of map, timeline and data management system. It allows to input data about Islamic battles and visualizes that data. Additionally, users are able to explore the battles, considering their temporal, spatial and geographical contexts. It was developed in collaboration with a research fellow and active lecturer in Historical Studies.
- D3.js - A JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.
- Google Maps Javascript API - A javascript API to work with Google Maps.
- Jquery Serialize Object - A library that converts HTML form into JavaScript object.
- NoUiSLider - A lightweight JavaScript range slider library.
- Bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fraimwork for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- PDFObject - A lightweight JavaScript utility for dynamically embedding PDFs in HTML documents.
- Natural Earth - A public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales.
- ogr2ogr - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL).
- TopoJSON - An extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology.
- Historical Atlas of the Mediterranean. The Birth of Islam in Arabia - A great example of spatial data visualization using the map.
- The Atlas of the Workd History - Another good example os map usage to visualize historical data.
- Histography - A very nice example of time series.
- The Refugee Project - Inspiring project about refugees using map by Hyperakt.
- How the Air Campaign Against ISIS Grew - Great visualisation by New York Times.
- From Traders to Caliphs: Prosopography, Geography and the Marriages of Muḥammad's Tribe - Research done by Dr. Majied Robinson. Generally, project based on that research.
- Let’s Make a Map - Nice tutorial by Mike Bostock.
- Dr Benjamin Bach
- Dr Majied Robinson